Federal Government stipulates R$1 billion to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul
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This Monday (6) in an interview with the press, the Minister of Transport, Renan Filho said that the total amount will be used for reconstruction and emergency works. The stipulated cost is R$1 billion for the recovery and reconstruction of federal roads, destroyed by strong storms in recent days in the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Also according to the Minister, the amount will also be used for works that are already being carried out and unblocking roads and highways. The deadline is until Friday (10) for the reestablishment and construction of emergency routes. Linking Porto Alegre to other regions of the state will be a priority. Mainly the easier arrival of humanitarian aid within the state.
Son, said “Within 48 hours, we want to create these assistance paths to guarantee inputs, fuel and oxygen supplies, and the transit of vehicles for exit and rescue cases. It is still not an opening for the common citizen”, The intention is to free up assistance routes on BR-116, (towards the south and north of the state) and BR-290, thus guaranteeing supply. “BR-116 to the south, which connects with BR-290, will be released on the 12th of this month. It is also flooded. We hope to free up the entire Scharlau Complex and the bridge over Rio dos Sinos by May 10th, as well as the connection from Eldorado to Porto Alegre. The work on these highways is what we are calling assistance paths, the 12th is our deadline”
During his visit, the Minister highlighted that between the cities of Eldorado and Santa Maria, known as the culvert in Eldorado do Sul, vital and priority repairs will be carried out to normalize traffic and concluded by saying “These paths will be made of stone, we will raise the level of the track to remove the flooded areas. That's why only trucks and rescue services will pass, after that we can only think about a wider release when the waters of the Guaíba recede”.
Highway reconstruction may still increase. The Ministry of Transport will spare no effort and will assist Governor Eduardo Leite (PSDB) with everything necessary to recover state roads as quickly as possible. According to President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), during his visit to Rio Grande do Sul last Sunday (5). “I want to tell you that the federal government, through the Ministry of Transport, will help to recover state roads, because it is our repression”.
“Information is needed that needs to be collected by States and municipalities. I can say that, just on roads, Renan Filho has already raised a figure of almost R$1 billion. If you look at city data, they are very significant.” Authorities from the cities, state and union will meet to carry out a survey and jointly calculate the damage caused by the floods, said Waldez Góes, Minister of Regional Integration and Development. He stated that “The federal government is willing to offer credit based on the final calculation, but the process takes time.” In addition to the roads, the reconstruction of schools and health centers was mentioned.
The Ministry of Development and Social Assistance, Family and Combating Hunger also declared that it is anticipating Bolsa Família and the release of the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service).
Minister Waldez Góes in an interview with the press (Photo: Reproduction/Sérgio Lima/Poder360)
Six of the eleven routes have already been released by Dnit (National Department of Transport Infrastructure).
BR-116 (Estancia Velha – Nova Petrópolis)
BR-116 (Vacaria – Campestre da Serra)
BR-116 (Caxias – São Marcos)
BR-372 (Santa Maria – Caçapava do Sul)
BR-470 (Carlos Barbosa – Montenegro)
BR-386 (CCR Via Sul): South Bridge over Taquari Rivers
Still with the Minister, Waldez Góes, he declared that “We need to create a culture of preparing for risk. In June, we will complete a National Civil Protection and Defense Plan. We have a policy from 2012 and a national plan was never created”. In an interview with the press, the objective is to create a program to universalize all existing systems for a risk prevention culture. On Tuesday (7) it was scheduled to announce the start of testing of the new system integrated with natural disaster alerts. The launch was postponed due to floods in the state.
The project will have the participation of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Ministry of Communications, Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency), National Secretariat of Civil Defense and telecommunications companies.
Featured Photo: Minister of Transport Renan Filho (Photo: Reproduction/Sérgio Lima/Poder360)
Federal Government stipulates R$1 billion to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul
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Federal Government stipulates R$1 billion to rebuild Rio Grande do Sul