Hopi Hari holds 8th edition of Hopi Pride
On April 20th, from 2pm to 6am the following day, Hopi Hari will hold the eighth edition of Hopi Pride.
The event, which has established itself as the largest LGBTQIA+ festival, promises 16 hours of intense energy, diversity and an unprecedented line-up.
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Since its inception, Hopi Pride has aimed to offer an exclusive day aimed at the LGBTQIA+ community, reinforcing the importance of diversity for the brand, its visitors and employees.
The objective is a journey to celebrate plurality, with three distinct stages – Tribaliza, Diversi and Kaminda Club – full of renowned artists and special attractions.
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On the Tribaliza stage, in the Wild West region, an incredible selection of DJs, such as Má Rodrigues, Fran Albuquerque and Lorena Simpson, will offer a unique experience with lots of special effects. Meanwhile, Kaminda Club, located in the Kaminda Mundi region, will bring the best of electronic music with artists such as Aluna and Valentina Luz.
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The main stage, Diversi, located in the Infantasia region, will host the most anticipated shows of the day, with performances by Marina Sena, Urias, Lia Clark, Pabllo Vittar and a much-awaited return by Banda Uó, after a six-year hiatus. Other attractions will also be part of this impressive list. The full agenda is available on the park's website.
Hopi Hari holds 8th edition of Hopi Pride
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