Selena Gomez and Camilo present 999: new song in collaboration.
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Come here and the Selenators you can celebrate now! Last Monday (23), Selena Gomez and Camilo announced through verses on their social networks, their first musical partnership. Titled as “999”, the song will be officially released next Friday (27) and is a continuation of the singer's works in Spanish, exalting Mexican culture, which has family descent, although she was born in the United States. In March 2021, Selena released an EP entirely in Spanish, called “Revelation”.
Rumors of a possible feat had been circulating online since the early hours of the 23rd, when Selena tweeted in Spanish “1,000 I know you think of me and your heart moves… if you want to go to 1,000…” and Camilo quoted the tweet responding “999… I'm at 999!”, making their names enter global trend topics. Hours later, the artists used their accounts to announce the collab, which is now available in pre-save.
My new song, '999' with @CamiloMusica is out this Friday!! Presave it now. ????
— Selena Gomez (@selenagomez) August 23, 2021
Colombian Camilo's name is on the rise in the current music scene. The singer currently has 23 million monthly listeners and before his partnership with Selena, he launched one with Shawn Mendes, titled “KESI – Remix”, which already exceeds 17 million views on YouTube and more than 31 million streams on Spotify, being the artist's number 1 popular song on the platform.
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“I never thought about doing a remix until Shawn Mendes, one of my favorite artists, mentioned it to me. Being a huge fan of his music, the sheer idea of hearing him sing in Spanish is something that got me so excited. The fact that he decided to sing in this language for the first time in his career on a song with me is one of the greatest honors I have ever had in my career as an artist. It's a song like no other, full of life, smiles, energy and contagious joy, and our honest and close friendship gives spirit to this collaboration.”, said Camilo about the partnership with the Canadian.
Listen “KESI – Remix”collaboration between Camilo and Shawn Mendes (Reproduction/YouTube)
In an interview with the magazine ELLE of September, where she was on the cover of the issue, Selena Gomez, who had announced that she would retire from music because she was frustrated and felt that her work was not valued, changed her mind and said that she will never stop. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop making music,” she said. But even so, Selena still feels like she's constantly trying to prove herself. “I’m not saying I want a Grammy. I just feel like I'm doing the best I can, and it's all about me. Sometimes it can really get to me.”completed the 29-year-old artist.
(Featured photo: Selena Gomez and Camilo. Reproduction/Instagram)
Selena Gomez and Camilo present 999: new song in collaboration.
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Selena Gomez and Camilo present 999: new song in collaboration.