Terra e Paixão: Graça and Caio star in a hot scene during a bath
In the next chapters of Earth and PassionGrace (Agatha Moreira) is willing to win Caio’s heart (Cauã Reymond), since she is engaged to him. She became pregnant with Marino (Leandro Lima) and pretended to be the son of Daniel (Johnny Massaro), but the lawyer dies in a serious accident.
“Allow me to let you know”, he will say.
Graça then goes to the place and enters the bathroom without clothes on, surprising Caio. He will question her reason for being there and say:
“I came to take a shower with you”, undressing and getting into the shower, starring in a movie kiss.

Caio discovers that the money left the account for an orphanage. Silvério tells Antônio that he has no proof that Berenice is Candida’s relative. Irene thanks Silvério for helping her. Andrade threatens Lucinda. Irene makes a pact with Aline: the teacher stays away from Caio, while Antônio’s wife discovers her husband’s real interest in her land. Aline accuses Antônio of being a liar for charging the producer for the water.
On May 8, TV Globo premiered the 9 pm telenovela, “Terra e Paixão”, written by Walcyr Carrasco. The plot, which replaced “Travessia”, tells the saga of Aline (Barbara Reis), a strong woman, full of dreams, who faces whatever it takes for the future of her family. In the cast are still: Susana Vieira, Agatha Moreira, Tony Ramos, among others.
Thursday, July 20th
Antônio gives Aline the money. Jussara tries to convince Aline to date Jonatas. Anely encourages Luigi to embezzle money from the farm and steal Petra’s jewelry. Irene suggests Antonio use Petra’s medicine to finish off Aline. Ramiro tells Kelvin that he won’t be able to see him anymore because of his fiancée. Jonathan and Nina meet. Caio declares himself to Aline. Rodrigo tells Berenice that he found out that Cândida’s nephew had no daughter with the same name as hers. Irene puts Petra’s medicine in a glass of champagne and offers it to Aline.
Friday, July 21st
Aline refuses Irene’s drink. Jussara notices a white powder in the cup that was intended for Aline. Jurecê warns Aline that she is in danger, and claims that the mystery she has in her land is the wealth. Ramiro tells Antônio that his fiancée will work as a cook at the inn. Luigi and Irene pick up Petra from the clinic. Flor agrees to go to Ademir’s house with Rosa as an employee, making it clear that she will not get involved with him. Munda decides not to marry Ramiro anymore. Antônio orders Franco to prevent Caio from using his investments to lend money to Aline. Caio asks Irene if she tried to poison Aline.
Saturday, July 22nd
Terra e Paixão: Graça and Caio star in a hot scene during a bath
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