Trailer for the new season is released and promises war against the Upside Down
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The first trailer for 'Stranger Things' was released by Netflix on its social media this Tuesday, the 12th. The promotional video brings back Eleven (Millie Bobbie Brown) and her friends after the end of the third season. Separated, the group will face new threats on their way to the final stretch while having to deal with the consequences of Hopper's disappearance and the death of Billy, Max's brother.
Check out the trailer for the fourth season of Stranger Things. (Reproduction/Youtube)
The trailer opens with Max, played by Sadie Sink, at her brother Billy's grave as she talks to the headstone about how things have changed since his death. The following scenes show the group of friends, now grown up and apparently in high school, dealing with life after the events that have befallen the town of Hawkins over the past few years. Some of the group remains in Hawkins while Eleven and Will, played by Noah Schnapp, are in California, trying to fit in at school after leaving Hawkins to start a new life.
As the trailer progresses, a new threat brings the series' plot to its final stretch by stating that the heroes' suffering is about to come to an end, while the character Sam Owens tells Eleven that a war is coming, calling on her to help them in what is to come. With an epic and terrifying atmosphere, the trailer gives glimpses of the Haunted House, which will be the center of the mystery surrounding the season's threat, as well as the search for Hopper, who has been missing since the end of the previous season.
Netflix also released the synopsis for season 4: “The group of friends is separated for the first time — while they navigate a turbulent time at school that makes things even more difficult. In this vulnerable moment, a new and even more terrifying supernatural threat emerges, bringing with it a great mystery that may hold the key to ending the horrors of the Upside Down.”.
The new season premieres its first volume on May 27th and its second volume on July 1st. All three seasons are available on Netflix.
Featured photo: frame from the official trailer. Reproduction/Netflix.
Trailer for the new season is released and promises war against the Upside Down
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Trailer for the new season is released and promises war against the Upside Down