Globo soap operas on display feature characters of the same name


Since we mentioned the two soap operas in the item above, how about we talk about another coincidence of names? Like every soap opera by Manoel Carlos, “Mulheres Apaixonadas” has its Helena (Christiane Torloni), while Clara (Regiane Alves) also dates Helena (Priscila Sztejnman) in “Vai na Fé”.

Oops, are we talking about clear? For the two plots mentioned here also have characters with the same name. The one in “Vai na Fé” we gave details in the previous item, but the one in “Mulheres Apaixonadas” is lived by Alinne Moraes.

Let’s keep “Mulheres Apaixonadas”, but this time compare with “Mulheres de Areia”, because both have their Milestones. In the first one, he is an abusive person played by Dan Stulbach, while in the second plot, he is the big guy in the story, played by Guilherme Fontes.

Let’s continue comparing the two soap operas that are being reruns (and carry “Mulheres” in the name), because the evil twin Raquel, played by Gloria Pires, present in “Mulheres de Areia”, is the same name as Helena Ranaldi’s character in “Mulheres Apaixonadas”.

We haven’t mentioned “Perfect Love” or “Terra e Paixão” yet, but why not put the two side by side here? Well, in the 6 pm telenovela, Alan Rocha gives life to Antônio Madureira, while in the 9 pm plot, Tony Ramos plays the great Antônio La Selva.

And let’s end with the nickname, similarly to the first example, in fact, using even the same soap operas, which won the competition for more coincidences. In “Mulheres Apaixonadas”, Marcos Caruso plays Carlos de Souza Duarte, while in “Vai na Fé”, Che Moais gave life to Carlos Eduardo Carvalho. However, both are called by their nickname: Carlão.
Globo soap operas on display feature characters of the same name
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