Bread pudding

In addition to bread, the recipe often includes milk, sugar, eggs and other ingredients such as cinnamon, vanilla or raisins that add flavor and texture to the dessert.The bread pudding has a creamy and velvety texture, which contrasts with the crunch of the top, which is slightly caramelized. It is a comforting and nostalgic dessert that many people remember having eaten in childhood or on special family occasions.INGREDIENTS
- 3 stale French bread
- half a liter of milk
- 8 tablespoons crystal sugar
- 2 whole eggs
First, in the blender, process all the ingredients until you get a smooth, homogeneous mixture.Then prepare the burnt sugar syrup and pour it into a pudding mold, spreading it evenly over the entire surface. Then, pour the mixture from the blender into the caramelized form and smooth it with a spatula.Cook the pudding in a bain-marie, covering the mold with aluminum foil and placing it in the oven for about 30 to 40 minutes, or until it is firm and consistent.Remove from the oven and let cool to room temperature before refrigerating for a few hours. When completely cooled, invert the tin onto a plate and serve the caramelised bread pudding.Finally, did you like this recipe?
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