cheat on their partner
It’s never nice to realize that our guy/nana is cheating on us with someone else… There is always little risk at the beginning of a relationship, but the more time passes, the more in some people, the temptation can be present! Because no, we are not all equal in the face of infidelity! Several studies have shown profiles that had predispositions to deception.
This does not mean that your darling will necessarily deceive you if he/she falls into one or more of these categories! Just that the probabilities are higher… Here are 6 types of people who are more likely to cheat on their partner:
1/ The French (cheat on their partner)
It’s a bit of a global reputation that we have! We are known as great seducers… And so, easily prone to cheating on our partners!! A trend that seems to be confirmed by the IFOP (the French Institute of Public Opinion) in this study ,which shows that in our country, infidelity is far from being a marginal practice.
2/ The big ones

Men of 1.80 meters and more get along! Why is that? Simply because this size usually gives them extra confidence. And you’ve ever seen a good dredger without insurance? And women tend to be more seduced by their confidence, their manly build… It is always easier to find comfort and safety in their arm rather than in the arms of a 1.65 meter guy!
3/ Network addicts (cheat on their partner)
The University of Missouri has published in a study, a correlation between the rate of deception and the time spent on social networks. Indeed, the more time we spend on Facebook or Twitter, the higher the risk of temptation to meet new people. It is indeed relatively easy in a few clicks to spice up your life, to the detriment of your couple.
4/ Blondes
According to a study by 42% of women who admit to having committed adultery before are… Blondes!
Men prefer blondes: And it’s not Marilyn Monroe who will prove the opposite! It would seem that the attractive power of blondes makes them more likely to be seduced by men, and that the latter, well aware of the charm they exercise, would therefore become more easily inclined to go elsewhere to maintain extra-conugal relationships. (cheat on their partner)
5/ Shopaholics
As the creator of the adulterous site Ashley Madison explains in an interview, a third of unfaithful women are starting to shop more often! The reason? It’s simple! The latter spend more on clothes and various accessories in order to please their lover, and not their husband as often he can be led to think!
If, however, the latter noticed the merry-go-round… Because some come as a precaution to afford a new credit card to better hide their suspicious expenses!
6/ Those whose age ends in 9
It is in fact the course of a change of decade, which for many is a great moment of questioning oneself, one’s job, one’s assets of seduction etc . We invite you to consult our article “At what age do men cheat the most” for much more detailed and complete information!