Deceiving for Revenge: A Big Mistake

by James Williams
Deceiving for Revenge

Deceiving for Revenge

It happens that we are in a relationship and that our partner makes us want to take revenge. We have been in so much pain that we feel the need to hurt the other as deeply as possible so that he can feel what we felt. So, by dint of procrastination in all directions, we think that we could well deceive him to take revenge: a mistake not to commit! This act may sign the end of your relationship!

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1. Why would you want to deceive in order to take revenge?

Take a moment to make a concrete analysis of the situation. What did your partner do to make you want revenge? Let’s say he cheated on you! You tell yourself that you are going to do the same and show him that you are also able to please someone else.

Do you really think that this will help the situation? (Deceiving for Revenge)

No, it will make it worse! No one will talk to anyone anymore and your couple will break up sooner than expected. You will live a relationship of insults, reproaches, frustrations and sadness. You can’t think of taking revenge to restore a situation, because it never happens! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is a proverb that dates back 200 years! Today we no longer think in the same way, we think calmly and we imagine a solution of the problems based on calm and reflection.

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If you want to deceive yourself to get revenge because he deceived you

I repeat, this will serve NO PURPOSE! If you want your couple to emerge victorious from this adultery, the only solution is to succeed in forgiving. Some couples have managed to overcome infidelity, it is not impossible! It is up to you to know if you have the capacity and especially the will. But to think that you will be able to feel better by deceiving your partner to take revenge, you put your finger in your eye. Because the situation will turn against you: while there, it is you the “victim” and he the “executioner”, if you deceive him to avenge you, he will hate you and will no longer want you. For you will then have become the executioner in your turn.

2. There is more to it than revenge! (Deceiving for Revenge)

Revenge is easy, because one immediately responds to one’s anger to take action. When you’re going to cheat on your partner, how will you feel? Do you really think this will relieve you? On no account! You’re going to feel even worse than before. It is possible to act differently and to have much more convincing results:

  • Silence is the worst thing, because your partner is going to hit a wall.
  • Stop the relationship for a while so that your lover can realize the harm that has been done.
  • Take the time to tell him how you felt when you opened your heart.
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When the heart gets to speak, it touches the other person’s heart directly. If you let your anger speak, you will only touch the ego of your interlocutor. Be firm, do not forgive right away and put him (her) in front of his responsibilities.

3. Forgiveness / The End of the Way

As time passes, you will have to make a choice. Either you manage to forgive, or you decide to leave your partner. But it will be impossible to stay and regain confidence in the couple if you can not forgive entirely.

Forgiveness: So much healthier than deceiving for revenge

If you decide to forgive it is because you are no longer in a perspective of revenge. Time has been life-saving and you are ready to truly forgive. Which means that you do not forget anything, but that you give a chance to your couple. Forgiveness MUST be sincere and means that you no longer live in anger.

End the relationship (Deceiving for Revenge)

If you can’t forget and you’re constantly living in fear that your partner will still betray your trust, it may be best to end the relationship. Remember that your mental and mental health is essential to your evolution. To stay in a relationship that no longer brings you anything is to shoot you in the foot! You tried to ignore the sadness, but nothing does? Decide to end your relationship!

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In life, one should not live according to the precept “an eye for an eye – a tooth for a tooth”.

What matters is to live in the openness of the heart and honesty. Learn to be what you really are: a person who seeks happiness and does not waste his time in meaningless revenge.

Deceiving for Revenge: Conclusion

Cheating on your partner will just bring you more anger and more sadness. Do not fall into a revenge easy to do, but impossible to digest! If you do this, you will take yourself into a toxic relationship that will become a nightmare.

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