love languages: I love you in 101 different languages
Love is complicated. In a world where everyone is becoming increasingly connected, people from all over the world get to know each other and fall in love with each other. But if you notice someone making your heart jump, sometimes a few bumps need to be overcome. Language, for example, can be a big barrier (although love conquers everything in the end!). To help you, I’ve listed a few love phrases. Forget Cupid, just approach your future other half yourself!
1. French
I love you – je t’aime
Sweetheart – cheri (man) cherie (woman) (same pronunciation, just different spelling)
Honey – ma puce (this literally means ‘my flea’ and that’s no joke!
2. Italian (love languages: I love you in 101 different languages)
I love you – ti voglio bene / ti amo
Dear – caro (man) cara (woman)
When someone says ” sei una ragazza di acqua e sapone ” to you, which literally means that you are “a girl of soap and water”, that’s a compliment: you have the girl-next-door look. You don’t need any makeup – soap and water is enough.
3. Spanish
I love you – te quiero / te amo
Honey – corazon (This literally means “heart.” Nice, isn’t it, such a far-reaching comparison?)
Zoeterd – terron de azucar (there is no better way to tell someone you think they are sweet than literally calling them sugar?)
4. Portuguese (love languages: I love you in 101 different languages)
I love you – eu te amo
Dearest – querido or chuchu (this literally means “chayote,” a vegetable)
Que saudade – There is no literal English translation for this (yep, it’s one of those). But you can say this when you miss someone to the point of desperation, when it almost hurts your heart. You can say “Que saudade!” when you remember your very first pet, or think about your sweetheart who is on the other side of the planet. Many Brazilians close their emails with “aaudades”, which means they miss you terribly.
love languages: I love you in 101 different languages

The language of love is the most universal language there is. Yet it is sometimes difficult if your loved one speaks another language, so below you will find ‘I love you’ in 200 different languages.
“I love you” in other languages
German – Ich liebe dich
Danish – Jeg Elsker Dig
English – I love you
Friesian – Ik Hâld Fan Dy
French – Je t’aime, Je t’adore
Greek – S’agapo
Hungarian – Szeretlek
Indian – Hum Tumhe Pyar Karte hae
Indonesian – Saya cinta padamu
Italian – Ti amo
Croatian – Ljubim in
Lithuanian – Tave myliu
Moroccan – Ana moajaba bik
Polish – Kocham Ciebie
Portuguese – Eu te amo
Romanian – Te ubesk
Spanish – Te amo
Slovenian – Ljubim te
Slovak – Lu`bim ta
Turkish – Seni Seviyorum
Czech – Miluji in
Ukrainian – Ya tebe kahayu
Swedish – Jag alskar dig
South African – I love you
- Turkish – Seni seviyorum
- Albanian – Te dua
- African – Ek it is your love or Ek is sweet for you
- Mandarin – Wo ai ni
- Greek – S’agapo
- Arabic – Ana behibak (to a man) Ana behibek (to a woman)
Well, what are you waiting for? Let that special someone know how you really feel about them.
More ‘I love you’ in different languages:
South-African | Love it to you |
Akan | Me dor wo |
Albanian | To dashuroj |
Alentejano | Gosto de ti |
Alsacien | Ich hoan dich gear |
Amharic | Afekrishalehou |
Apache | Sheth she ~ n zho ~ n |
Arabic (formal) | Ooheboki (male to female) |
Ooheboka (female to male) | |
Ohiboke (male to female) | |
Ohiboki (male to female) | |
Arabic | Ana ba-heb-bak |
Ohibokoma (male or female to two males or two females) | |
Nohiboke (more than one males or females to female) | |
Nohiboka (male to male or female to male) | |
Nohibokoma (male to male or female to two males or two females) | |
Nohibo bowl (male to male or female to more than two males) | |
Nohibokon (male to male or female to more than two females) | |
Arabic (not standard) | Bahibak (female to male) |
Benhibak (more than one male or female to male) | |
Benhibik (male to male or female to female) | |
Benhibkom (male to male or female to more than one male) | |
Armenian | Es kez siroum em |
Es six siroum em | |
Es siroum em kez | |
Es siroum em six | |
Assamese | Moi tomak bhal pau |
Balinese | Tiang tresna sign beli |
Bassa | Mengweswe |
Basque | Maite zaitut |
Batak | Holong rohangku di ho |
Bavarian | I mog di narrically gern |
Belorussian | Ya kahayu tabe |
Bemba | Ndikufuna |
Bengali | Ami tomay bhalobashi |
Berber | Lakh tirikh |
Bicol | Namumutan ta ka |
Bisayon | Namomout |
Bolivian Quechua | Qanta munani |
Bosnian | Volim too |
Brazilian | Amo too |
Bulgarian | Obicham too |
Burmese | Chit pa de |
Cambodian | Bon sro lanh oon |
Canadian French | Je t’aime |
Je t’adore | |
Catalan | T’estim molt (“I love you a lot”) |
T’estim (Mallorcan) | |
T’estime (Valencian) | |
T’estimo (Catalonian) | |
Cebuano | Gihigugma ko ikaw |
Chamoru (or Chamorro) | Hu guaiya hao |
Cheyenne | Nemehotatse |
Chichewa | Ndimakukonda |
Chickasaw | Chiholloli (first ‘i’ nasalized) |
Chinese | Goa ai li (Amoy dialect) |
Ngo oi ney (Cantonese dialect) | |
Wo oi ni (Cantonese dialect | |
Ngai oi gnee (Hakka dialect) | |
Ngai on ni (Hakka dialect) | |
Wa ai lu (Hokkien dialect) | |
Wo ai ni (Mandarin dialect) | |
Wo ie ni (Mandarin dialect) | |
Wuo ai no (Mandarin dialect) | |
Wo ay ni (Mandarin dialect) | |
Wo ai ni (Putunghua dialect) | |
Ngo ai nong (Wu dialect) | |
Comorian | Ni sou love vendza |
Corsican | Ti tengu cara |
Creol | Mi aime you |
Croatian | Ljubim too |
Czech | Miluji Te |
Danish | Jeg elsker dig |
Davvi Samegiella | Mun rahkistin dü |
Dusun | Siuhang oku dia |
Dutch | I love you |
Ecuador Quechua | Canda munani |
English | I love you |
Estonian | Mina Armastan Sind |
Esperanto | Mi amas sin |
Ethiopian | Afgreki |
Farsi | Tora Dust Midaram |
Asheghetam | |
Farsi (Persian) | Doostat Daram |
Filipino | Mahal Kita |
Iniibig ako | |
Finnish | Minä Rakastan Sinua |
French | Je T’aime |
Friesian | I Hâld Fan Dy |
Gaelic | Ta Gra Agam Ort |
Galician | Querote |
Queroche | |
Amote | |
Georgien | Me shen mikvarkhar |
German | Ich liebe Dich |
Ghanaian | Me dor wo |
Greek | S’ayapo |
Greek (old) | Philo Su |
Greenlandic | Asavakit |
Guarani | Rohiyu |
Gujrati | Hoon Tane Pyar Karoochhoon |
Hausa | Ina sonki |
Hawaiian | Aloha I’a Au Oe |
Hebrew | Ani Ohev otach |
Hindi | Mujhe Tum Se Pyar Hai |
Hopi | Nu’umi unangwata |
Hungarian | Szeretlek te’ged |
Iboloi | Pip-piyan taha |
Iceladic | Eg elska thig |
Ilocano | Ay-ayaten ka |
Imazighan | Hamlagh Kem |
Indi | Mai Tujhe Pyaar Kartha Hoo |
Indonesian | Saya Cinta Padamu |
Interglossa | Mi esthe philo tu. |
Iranian | Mahn doostaht doh-rahm |
Irish | Taim i ‘ngra leat |
Irish Gaelic | T’a gr’a agam dhuit |
Italian | Ti Amo |
Japanese | Aishiteru |
Javanese | Kulo tresno |
Kadazan | Guminavo oku dika |
Kankana-ey | Laylaydek sik-a |
Kannada | Nanu Ninna Preetistini |
Kikongo | Mono ke zola nge |
Kiswahili | Nakupenda |
Klingon | Qabang |
Korean | Sa rang hae |
Kpele | I walikana |
Kurdish | Ez Te Hezdikhem |
Lao | Khoi Huk Chau |
Lappish | Un rahkistin dú. |
Latin | Te Amo |
Latvian | Es milu Tevi |
Es Tevi Milu | |
Lebanese | Bahibak |
Lingala | Nalingi Yo |
Lisbon lingo | Gramo-te bue ‘, chavalinha! |
Lithuanian | Tave Myliu |
Lojban | Mi do prami |
Luo | Aheri |
Luxembourgish | Ech their dech gär |
Mon | Ilolenge |
Macedonian | Sakam Te |
Madrid lingo | Me molas, tronca! |
Maiese | Wa Wa |
Malay | Saya cintamu |
Malayalam | Ngan Ninne Snaehikkunnu |
Malaysian | Saya Cintamu |
Saya Sayangmu | |
Saya Cinta Kamu | |
Marathi | Mi tuzya var prem karato |
Maltese | Inhobbok |
Marshallese | Yokwe |
Mohawk | Konoronhkwa |
Mokilese | Ngoah mweoku kaua |
Moroccan | Kanbhik |
Navaho | Ayor Anosh’ni |
Ndebele | Niyakutanda |
Nepali | Ma timi sita prem garchhu |
Norwegian | Ek ann thér (Old Norse) |
Eg elskar deg | |
Nyanja | Ninatemba |
On | On Lopveop Yopuop |
Oriya | Moon Tumakoo Bhala Paye |
Oromoo | Sinjaladha |
Osetian | Aez Dae Warzyn |
Pakistanis | Mujhe Tumse Muhabbat Hai |
Papiamento | Mi ta stimábo |
Pedi | Kiyahurata. |
Persian | Tora Dost Daram |
Pig Latin | Ie Ovele Ouye |
Pilipino | See Filipino |
Polish | Kocham Cie |
Portuguese | Amo Te |
Proto Germanic | Eka thez ann |
Punjabi | Main Tainu Pyar Karna |
Quenya | Tye-meláne |
Raetoromanic | Te amo |
Romanian | Te Ador |
Russian | Ya Vas Lyublyu |
Russian (malincaya) | Ya Tibieh Lublue |
Samoan | Ou too alofa outou. |
Sanskrit | Anurag |
Scot Gaelic | Tha Gradh Agam Ort |
Serbian | Ljubim too |
Serbocroatian | Volim too |
Ljubim too | |
SeSotho | Kiyahurata. |
Shona | Ndinokuda |
Sioux | Techihhila |
Sinhalese | Mama Oyaata Aadareyi |
Slovak | Lubim Ta |
Slovene | Ljubim Te |
Somalian | Delusional ku jeclahay |
Spanish | Te Amo |
At Quiero | |
Sranang Tongo | Mi Lobie You |
Srilankan | Mama Oyata Arderyi |
Suaheli | Ninikupenda |
swahili | Nakupenda |
Swedish | Jag Älskar Dig |
Swiss-German | Ch’ha Di Gärn |
Syrian / Lebanese | Bhebek |
Tagalog | See filipino |
Tahitian | Ua Here Vau Ia Oe |
Taiwanese | Wa Ai Li |
Tamil | Naan Unnai Kadalikiren |
Check | Miluji tê |
Telugu | Ninnu Premistunnanu. |
Telugu / India | Nenu Ninnu Premistunnanu |
Thai | Phom Rak Khun (formal, male to female) |
Ch’an Rak Khun (formal, female to male) | |
Khao Raak Thoe (affectionate, sweet, loving) | |
Tibetan | Nga Rang Lha Ga Bu Du |
Tswana | Ke a go rata |
Tshiluba | Ndi mukusua |
Tumbuka | Nkhukutemwa |
Tunisian | Ha Eh Bak |
Turkish | Ben Seni Seviyurum |
Twi | Me dowapaa |
Ukrainian | Ya tebe kokhayu |
Urdu | Main Tumse Muhabbat Karta Hoo |
Vai | After lia |
Värmländska | Du är görgo in mäg |
Venda | Ndi a ni funa |
Vietnamese | Anh Yêu Em (male to female) |
Em Yêu Anh (female to male) | |
Toi Yeu Em | |
Volapük | Löfob oli. |
Votic | Miä suvatan sinua. |
Vulcan (Mr. Spock) | Wani ra yana ro aisha |
Walloon | Dji fox inme |
Welsh | Fi cariad ti |
Wolof | Da ma la nob |
Yiddish | Ich Han Dich Lib |
Yucatec Maya | ‘In k’aatech |
Yugoslavian | Yes Te Volim |
Zazi | Ezhele Hezdege |
Zulu | Mena Tanda Wena |
Zuni | Tom Ho ‘Ichema |
MORE@AFRILATEST love languages: I love you in 101 different languages