Lula and Janja at the Future Festival!

by Clare Dominic
Lula and Janja at the Future Festival!

Lula and Janja at the Future Festival!
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After the official presidential inauguration ceremony of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), the entire party was transferred to the Festival do Futuro stages at Esplanada dos Ministérios. Artists from different musical styles, at the invitation of First Lady Janja, sang and celebrated the PT member's arrival as President of the Republic for the third time.

According to information from the “Metropolises”, when the clock struck 11pm, President Lula (PT) took the stage accompanied by Janja. Vice-president Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) and his wife, Lu Alckmin, were also able to attend the event. The PT member said: “Tomorrow I start working early because I’m going to receive 17 heads of state, so I’m leaving. But thank you for electing me and for what you did for the country. I can’t pay in cash, I can only pay with work.”.

After that, Lula kissed Janja and encouraged his deputy, Geraldo Alckmin, to do the same with his wife.

Post on the subject. (Reproduction/Twitter @Metropoles)

Janja, before going on stage, gave an interview backstage to Paulo Vieira and Titi Müller. The First Lady said: “I was very afraid. We've experienced a lot of attacks around the hotel in the last week. But everything went well”.

Post on the subject. (Reproduction/Twitter @Metropoles)

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The first artists to take the Elza Soares stage, with the aim of celebrating the moment at Festival do Futuro were Drik Barbosa, Marissol Mwab, Ellen Oléria, Fioti, Rael, Rappin Hood, Salgadinho and Gog. Together they paid tribute to Martin Luther King. At the moment, Rael said: “We deserve love, we deserve to be paid well, we deserve a fulfilling life”.

After that, they took turns on stage. Rael sang “Envolvidão” and Salgadinho got the audience moving with “Inaraí”. Gog used his moment on stage to salute Pelé. “Our number 10. Eternal”said the artist.

The audience ended up not holding back when the singers came together to sing the single “Apesar de Você”, by Chico Buarque. Those present sang the chorus at the top of their lungs, accompanied by clapping: “Despite you/Tomorrow will be another day/I ask you where you will hide/From the enormous euphoria”.

The second stage

The voice of Gal Costa, who passed away on November 9, 2022, opened the second show of the night. The singer named the other stage at the event and was also honored with scenes of her singing “Meu Nome É Gal” at the opening of Outra vez Cantar.

The actress and singer Thalma de Freitas continued the presentations and was followed by Johnny Hooker, who brought the audience to their feet to the sound of “Flutua”. Fernanda Takai, in turn, brought “O Ritmo da Chuva”, while Tulipa Ruiz sang “Prumo”.

Another attraction of the night was Flor Gil, who sang “A Novidade”, a composition by her grandfather, Gilberto Gil, with Hebert Viana. Afterwards, Paulo Miklos was the one who livened up the night and brought the significant “Food”.

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Odair José, before the presentation, took the opportunity to give a message. “I always knew this day would come. From today onwards, a Brazil for all, again”he said.

Another artist who spoke before the show was Otto, who sang the song “Ciranda de Maluco”. He stated: “No one let go of anyone’s hand and that’s why we’re here”.

Tribute to Gal Costa

According to “Metrópoles”, Francisco El Hombre and Luê entered with “Olha a Chuva”, which despite having problems with the sound remained lively. To close the sequence of performances, the artists present came together for “Divino Maravilhoso”, a hit performed by Gal Costa. In chorus, they chanted: “We need to be alert and strong, we don’t have time to fear death”.

Pablo Vittar

The people shouted: “Hey Pabllo, where are you, I came here just to see you”, for the more than expected attraction of the night. The artist was overcome by the public's excitement and took to the stage and sang for about an hour for everyone who was present.

Post on the subject. (Reproduction/Twitter @Metropoles)

It can be said that Pabllo Vittar did not disappoint, given the various choreographies and famous singles such as “Ameianoite”. In the middle of the presentation, there was still time for a statement about President Lula.

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The artist said: “I'm very proud to be one of the first artists to raise Lula's flag and say 'no him' without fear of losing my work. I, Pabllo Vittar, am proud to be here taking part in the inauguration of my president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva”.

Baiana System

This band excited fans who were waiting for the moment to hear songs like: “Cabeça de Papel” and “Capim Guiné”. Furthermore, they had the participation of Margareth Menezes, the new Minister of Culture, who ended up shaking the public with “Pharaoh”.

Gaby Amarantos

The singer, who featured Aíla, Kâe Guajajara and Jaloo, took the stage in the early hours of this Monday, 2nd. The artist opted for regional lyrics and rhythms with the purpose of stirring up the public.

She took advantage of the moment to pay tribute to Elza Soares. “This one’s for you, Elzinha”he said before singing “Última Lágrima”, which was recorded with the singer, Alcione and Dona Odete.

Duda Beat

On the Gal Costa stage, Duda Beat performed the show with a brilliant look, according to the media outlet mentioned. The singer presented the main hits of her career to the public. “Tangerina” was the song most acclaimed by the people present.

The artist said: “A historic day, so beautiful. So happy to be here”.

Artists aplenty

The Elza Soares Stage was attended by Rogeria Holtz. She paid homage to Pixinguinha with “Mundo Melhor” and opened the show Ajante Vai Se Outro Dia. Afterwards, Romero Ferro took the stage and brought the songs “Asa Branca” and “Eu Só Quero um Xodó”.

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Aline Calixto continued with the interpretation of classic Brazilian songs with “Tá Escrito”. Another artist was rapper Delacruz, who brought a reference to favela residents in the funk “Eu Só Quero É Ser Feliz” (famous with Cidinho and Doca), according to “Metrópoles”.

One of the songs chosen by singer Leoni is “Exagerado”, by Cazuza. Jards Macalé was another artist who performed at the event and sang the song “Mocidade Perdida”. Next came Teresa Cristina with “Vai Passar”.

Zélia Duncan chose the song “Toda Forma de Amor” for the Festival do Futuro. Before starting the show, the artist said: “We didn’t give up and we survived”. She also performed the samba “Malandro”, together with Teresa Cristina.

Renegado brought tributes to Elza Soares to the public in his performance of “A Carne”. According to information from the aforementioned website, with an adaptation of the classic phrase from the song, he reinforced that “the cheapest meat on the market was black meat”. Furthermore, the singer invited the public to applaud the honored artist.

He said: “Let’s celebrate this Brazilian music diva, with the respect she deserves, with the respect that the black people deserve, let’s start respecting the people so we can move forward”.

Artist Paula Lima began her presentation with words of affirmation. “Diversity, equality and respect. We won. We came here to live and be happy”, he said. Wearing a bright red dress, Paula Lima sang “Olhos Coloridos”. Then, Fernanda Abreu had the task of encouraging those present.

Maria Rita shook the stage that was waiting for Janja to enter the stage with the hit “É”.

Martinho da Vila also appeared and brought to the audience “Tom Maior” and “Canta, Canta Minha Gente”.

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Valesca Popozuda was one of the last attractions at Festival do Futuro and took the stage after 3 am.

Post about Valesca Popozuda. (Reproduction/Instagram @retratosdavida_extra)

The funk singer sang her hits for about an hour, including prohibitions and “Funk do Lula”, which she made in 2009, in honor of the president.

The song even features the president's voice.

Featured Photo: Lula and Janja. Reproduction/Vinícius Schmidt/Metrópoles.

Lula and Janja at the Future Festival!

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Lula and Janja at the Future Festival!

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