ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad
You can’t believe your eyes, pregnant, you’re pregnant! Your dream comes true and you have only one desire, it is to run to announce this wonderful news to the future dad. It is a moment that must be unique, intense and magical, as you have always hoped. A moment of joy and happiness in perspective! A moment that will be even more wonderful if you find an original way to announce it. Here are 15 original ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad.
15 original ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad

1) A personalized childcare gift
If you want to surprise the future dad, you can give him a small original gift, which is sure to amuse him! You can offer him a nipple, small baby slippers or a personalized bottle with written on it “soon daddy” or “future dad”. He will obviously be surprised, happy and moved. And you can keep this gift in memory of this memorable day in the souvenir box of your future baby.
For the little anecdote:
To announce her pregnancy to her darling, Léa, the founder of parlerdamour.fr, offered her shoes in which two small baby slippers were slipped. The surprise was superb!
2)U don’t guess (ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad)
When you meet in the evening after work, start chatting normally by telling you about your day. And in the discussion, innocently say to him, “By the way, do you know who’s going to be a dad?” He will surely answer you that he does not know, offer you some people from your entourage or your work. Let him think for a few minutes and when you see that he can’t find it, tell him “It’s you!”
3) Hide a gift under your pillow

Certainly you will need a little patience before revealing the news but hiding a gift under his pillow can be a great way to announce! It can be a bottle, a rattle or Sophie the Giraffe who, with her “legendary squeak” will make him startle with joy! Moving laughter guaranteed between you, a moment of pure happiness.
4) A particular surprise Kinder
Buy a Kinder Surprise egg and gently remove the paper and then carefully open the egg in half trying not to break it! Place a nipple inside or any other object of your choice, as well as a little word like “you’re going to be a dad”. Close the egg and put the paper around, as if nothing had happened. Take advantage of dinner to offer him a little delicacy with his coffee and voila! A surprise wonder! If you were looking for original ways to announce your pregnancy to Dad, you should be thrilled!
5) Tell him in music
Wait for him to come home from work in the evening and as soon as you hear the door open, launch your playlist. Many French songs are made on the theme of the dad so you can select some of them. There is “En cloque” by Renaud, “Tu es mon millésime” by Pascal Obispo, “Un enfant” by Jacques Brel or “Mon p’tit gars” by Christophe Maé. He will surely understand quickly so quickly take out the handkerchiefs because he may be upset.
Other original ways to announce your pregnancy to Dad
6) The pregnancy test

Make him believe that it is just a gift to please him, after all there is no need for a special occasion to tell him that we love him. So put your pregnancy test in a jewelry box like a watch. He will surely not expect your pregnancy test,so the surprise will be even greater and therefore successful!
7) Change your phone wallpaper
This surprise may require a little organization but it is a very original way to announce your pregnancy. Try to prick his phone and put in the background an image with a sign written “hello future dad”, “congratulations future dad”,or, if you have time, a photo montage of you with a belly of future mom
8) Breakfast in bed (ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad)

So you have to hope that you learn about your pregnancy on the weekend otherwise you will have to keep the secret for a few days! But it’s surely one of the most romantic ways to tell him he’s going to be a dad. Prepare her for breakfast and slip your pregnancy test into the middle of croissants and chocolate breads. The surprise will be total and guaranteed!
9) Make original an evening tray-TV-sofa

A moment of relaxation on returning from work in the evening, in short an evening that could look like any other around an aperitif or a TV set. Except that there you will announce a news that will upset your life. Launch a film he loves so that he does not suspect anything and hide the pregnancy test on the set! This is a TV evening that will be engraved in your memories
10) An arrowed course
Prepare a journey that will take him to the baby’s future room or yours if this is where baby will spend his first months. Put some moose clues on the way such as an energy drink to prepare it for lack of sleep or a calendar with the date of your term surrounded. And at the end of the way, a sign with a “you’re going to be a dad” will be waiting for him! You will be able to enjoy his reaction at every moment of the course!
5 other original ways to announce your pregnancy to Dad
11) The small pots in the fridge
Go buy a few small baby jars and hide them in the fridge. He will stumble upon it when he returns, while fetching a drink or while preparing dinner. You can already imagine the surprised and questioning look with the little pot in his hands. It’s hard to hold back your tears at that moment because it will be a moving moment.
12) A shopping session
By a small SMS, ask him to join you on your lunch break if it is possible or meet in the evening for a little shopping trip. Try to find a clothing store where you won’t just have baby clothes to try to keep the suspense going a little longer. And as you walk, head for the look of nothing the baby ray. Take bodysuits, pajamas until he guesses the wonderful news.
13) Create a grid of arrow/crosswords
Are you looking for original ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad? Well, a very original way to announce it to him, and maybe a little puzzle for you but you will not regret it. Make him discover by the bais of a grid of arrow words the phrase “I am pregnant” or even only the word “daddy”. You’re going to have an intense time watching his reaction as he finds the words.
14) Baby on board
Go discreetly stick on the windshield of his car a sticker “baby on board”. Wait a few moments and innocently tell him that you have forgotten something in the trunk and with a nice smile ask him to go get it back. The surprise will be total! Don’t forget to follow him discreetly to see his reaction.
15) A packet of sweets is also one of the original ways to announce your pregnancy to the dad
There’s a good chance your darling loves sweets! So the idea is all found. You can now customize a lot of treats with the text “you’re going to be a dad”. He may not notice the text right away but when he sees it the surprise will be enormous. And if you do not have time to order personalized sweets you can also hide a small word in the packaging of one of the sweets.