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Precum Can Make Pregnant

Precum or fluid that is released before ejaculation is very confusing and a cause for concern for some couples. Is it true that precum fluid can cause pregnancy?

Instead of being dizzy and busy wondering, first read the facts about precum, understand the following pre-ejaculatory fluids

1. What is precum ?

Precum Can Make Pregnant
Precum Can Make Pregnant

Pre-ejaculationis a sticky liquid made of enzymes, protein, and mucus produced in the cowper glands . Michael Ingber, MD, urologist and specialist in women’s pelvic medicine in New Jersey, explains that these glands are also commonly known as bulbourethral glands, which are located in the urethra inside the penis. The urethra itself is a place for urination and ejaculation.

So Pre-ejaculation and sperm are two different fluids themselves. Pre-ejaculation is produced from the cowper glands and sperm is produced from the testes.

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2. What is the function of Pre-ejaculation?

Precum Can Make Pregnant
Precum Can Make Pregnant

When a person is aroused and nears climax, these glands release pre-ejaculatory fluid that exits through the penis. 

Pre-ejaculation comes out first before the sperm which functions to neutralize acidic urine that is still left in the urethra. Not only that, pre-cum also helps neutralize the acidity of vagina to help the survival of sperm when released during ejaculation. You could say Pre-ejaculation is the life saviour of sperm.


3. Does Precum contain sperm?

Pre-ejaculationCan Make Pregnant
Precum Can Make Pregnant

This question is often sought by several couples. This may be because the couple is delaying pregnancy. So, if Pre-ejaculation has entered Miss V, many people ask, does pre-cum contain sperm that can make pregnancy happen?

According to research under a microscope, pre-cum contains about 16% male sperm, through a study that took a sample of 42 men. Although there is a sperm content in the Pre-ejaculation, they are usually weaker, according to Dr. Langdon.

4. Can precum make you pregnant?

Precum Can Make Pregnant
Precum Can Make Pregnant

After knowing what Pre-ejaculation is, you also find answers about pre-cum that can make you pregnant or not. Dr. Ingber said, pregnancy can occur, but very rarely someone gets pregnant just from the Pre-ejaculation because of the weak sperm condition, but in theory it is possible.

Therefore, the presence of Pre-ejaculation is the reason why the ‘pullout method’ is not effective in controlling pregnancy. Even men can’t predict when pre-cum will come out.

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5. Can you get pregnant from Pre-ejaculation near Miss Rose?

Precum Can Make Pregnant
Precum Can Make Pregnant

The answer is 100% impossible, because for a woman to become pregnant, sperm must enter the cervical canal, which is usually a few centimeters from the vaginal canal.

If the Pre-ejaculation only comes out on the labia or vaginal opening, it will be very unlikely for the sperm to reach the place where the ovum is. That said, sperm can’t swim that far.

6.Pre-ejaculation can transmit disease or viruses

Pre-ejaculation Can Make Pregnant
Precum Can Make Pregnant

Apart from being a minor cause of pregnancy, Pre-ejaculation can also transmit STIs or sexually transmitted infections from men to women such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, and trichomonas. This is of course very dangerous, yes, Bela.

The best way to protect yourself from STIs and the risk of pregnancy is to use contraceptives that make you comfortable.


Those are some facts about Pre-ejaculation. Hopefully that explains enough, yes!


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