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How do I know if he is in love with me?

It is normal to ask the question and especially to want an answer. He has everything to please you and, just thinking of him, you have that little smile in the corner, sparkling eyes and the desire to be with him. No doubt, you are in love but what about him? How do I know? All men obviously have different behaviors, but there are nevertheless common points, gestures, words, attentions that we find very often in men in love and who want to engage. How do I know if he is in love with me? 11 signs that do not deceive.

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How do I know if he is in love with me? 11 signs that do not deceive

1- It is available

When you call him, he picks up or calls back quickly, and your messages never go unanswered for long? Even better: he is at the initiative of the messages, the calls, the news he takes, the appointments he proposes? No doubt, he feels good with you and he wants you to know it! If he responds quickly, by engaging in conversation, or if he hears directly from you, he certainly already misses you. He makes the relationship live even when you’re not together and makes sure you think of him. It does not leave you without news, it invests, is available, your relationship is fluid.


2- It is tactile

A hand passed behind your back without him even realizing it, a caress in the hair, the hand on the neck, a kiss on the temple, a dust that he removes, take your hand, kiss you, snuggle up against each other. So many small gestures and attentions that are marks of tenderness. If your partner is tactile and caring, it shows that they like to feel close to them. And if he likes you to do the same, this is proof that he lets you enter his intimacy. Without necessarily being too demonstrative in public, he multiplies these small tender gestures towards you.

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3- He wants to spend time together (How do I know if he is in love with me?)

Can’t wait to see you again? If the man you are dating wants to multiply the moments to two, it is for a good reason, he cares about you and he wants to spend one as much time as possible with you. And we’re not just talking about cuddle moments under the duvet, even if it’s important. But the rest is just as important and proves its investment in your relationship. Whether it’s going to the cinema or restaurant, discovering a new activity together or just watching the Sunday night movie, your mere presence is important to him and he shows it to you.

4- He confesses his feelings

The most obvious way to find out if a man is in love is obviously the declaration of love. It is not always easy for men to express their feelings. Many women reproach this, so if your darling expresses what he feels, it should be seen as a great step forward and as proof that he really cares about you.

But confessing one’s feelings should not be done under the constraint of an ultimatum. The consequences can be serious simply because you risk blocking your man or getting a statement that will be far from sincere.


5- He is interested in you

If he talks about him all the time and doesn’t let you place one, it’s dead. On the other hand, if he listens to you, asks you questions and gives you advice, bounces on each of your sentences, grabs the poles you hand him and digs the confidences you give him, it is because he is interested in you. And that you can count on him. This is proof that he wants to know you by heart, but also to put you forward.

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6- He brings you into his life

“What do you think?” If your partner asks you this question, it’s a good sign. Whether it’s to make important decisions or to get your opinion on a garment he’s wearing, the fact that he’s waiting for your validation shows that your point of view matters to him.

This shows, that he trusts you, that he is ready to lower his shield and make you enter his intimacy. He opens wide the door of his life, his intimacy, his dreams, his fears. He tells you about his family, evokes his memories. His past that could help you get to know him better and understand him better. The fact that he confides in himself about his life is a sign that he is himself with you, that he is not hiding. And so that he has real feelings for you.

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7- He is involved in the relationship by taking initiatives

Is your partner a fan of nice compliments? It is ok. But since deeds are better than words, his behavior counts above all. In love, it is well known, the defect of men is not to get involved enough. A man who proposes, who takes action, is a man invested in the relationship and who really interests you.


He wants to please you, he wants to differentiate himself from others and make sure that you find him unique. That is why he puts all his energy into making your couple evolve,in order to give it a new dimension.

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You wonder: how do you know if he is in love with me? Well, tell yourself that he wouldn’t do that if the feelings didn’t guide him. When we do not like a person we do not get involved in the relationship, on the contrary we tend to put distance.

8- It mixes the famous three levels of social relations

The rule of the three levels: when a man is in love, he wants to spend moments with the person (level 1), discover his friends and family (level 2) and introduce his loved ones (level 3). Three spheres of intimacy that allow you to better know the other and share what makes your life.

If you haven’t seen his family yet, nothing dramatic. If on the other hand, after a few months, you still have not met his friends, there is eel under rock. Does he present you as a friend? Does it put you at ease, pay attention to you?


If he integrates you at all levels, it is because he is comfortable, in love and committed. If a man loves to spend time with you but does not want to meet your loved ones or introduce you to his after months and months together, he is not in love with you.

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9- He loves you naturally

If he refuses to approach you when you are sick, wants to change your look or asks you to lose a few pounds or less make-up for nothing right away, then he does not like you. Worse, it is that he wants to control you. But if he laughs at your not funny jokes, finds your flaws cute, tells you that you are beautiful even when you are not wearing makeup and you are wearing a jog, it is that he loves you for what you are. It does not devalue you, teases you nicely and encourages you to stay yourself. He will not try to change you in spite of yourself and if you liked him, it is for the one you really are, without fuss, without artifices, without filters.

10- He wishes your happiness

How do I know if he is in love with me? Well, a man who loves you wants your happiness. Even if some things annoy him (such as your job taking but you love, your outings with your single girlfriends, your very present mom), if he knows that this is what makes you happy, he will not make you have a crisis. And if, for his part, he also makes compromises to do something you wanted to do, that’s a good point! If he asks you questions to discover your mode of operation in order to please you, it is a sign that he is in love. He wouldn’t seek to know more about you if he wasn’t trying to build a serious relationship.

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11- How do I know if he is in love with me? It projects itself!

Short, medium and then long term. Slowly but surely. “Does it tell you that we’re going on weekends next month? On vacation this summer? If he projects himself with you, it is because he sees himself continuing this story. He is in love if he plans things. When a man is in love, he envisions a common future. Be careful, this does not mean that he wants to marry you or start a family now, but that he wants to settle permanently in the relationship. He will make it understood indirectly, through allusions, reflections. A simple example, he uses the “we” and the “on” instead of the “I” very often. Starting to make projects for two is a clear sign of the bond that unites a couple. Is your partner talking about the future together? This is indeed a sign that he wants to invest with you.

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