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The effects of spring are already being felt on the first day of September
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The first day of September is marked by the phenomenon known as meteorological spring, when the effects of the next season can already be felt, even if the transition has not actually occurred; spring 2024 is officially scheduled to begin on September 22 at 9:44 am, Brasília time.

To better understand this question, it is worth remembering that there are astronomical and meteorological seasons. The astronomical seasons are based on the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun, that is, according to astronomy, spring will only actually happen on the 22nd; the meteorological seasons are based on the sensation that is felt in everyday life.

Weather in Brazil in September

According to data provided by the National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet), the month of September will be marked by above-average rainfall in the North, south of Mato Grosso and south of São Paulo; in the Central-West and Southeast regions, south of the North Region, interior of the Northeast Region and west of Paraná, rainfall will be of low intensity due to the large mass of dry air that can cause an increase in fires and respiratory diseases.


heat map

Forecast of (a) precipitation and (b) average air temperature anomalies from the INMET climate model, for the month of September 2024. (Photo: reproduction/Portal Inmet)

Temperatures will be above average in much of the country due to reduced rainfall; average temperatures are expected to exceed 30 degrees in regions of Pará, Amazonas, Rondônia, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Goiás, Maranhão and Piauí. In the regions of Paraíba, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia, average temperatures are expected to remain within the normal range.

The four seasons and their cycles for the year 2024

Analyzing the data provided by Inmet:


Seasons of the year and their representations (Photo: reproduction/ Portal Inmet)


As shown in the figure, autumn was the first season of the year and began on March 20th; winter began on June 20th and lasts until September 22nd, leaving space for spring to blossom from December 22nd to December 21st, followed by the warmest season of the year, summer, which begins its cycle to end the year.

Featured photo: Spring bloom (Ailton Liam)


The effects of spring are already being felt on the first day of September

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The effects of spring are already being felt on the first day of September


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