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Are you a lawyer and are you thinking about protecting your car in the best way possible by choosing a good auto insurance lawyer? Here are some tips for choosing this service correctly and don’t be left unprotected!

Having a car in the legal profession is very important.


After all, it is usually necessary to go to the office every day, visit forums and many other places as each type of process demands.

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But this also makes it important to take good care of your car, as it can suffer a series of accidents in your daily life.

That's why having auto insurance lawyers is a good idea.

Insurance is essential in all professions.


However, lawyers, in addition to everyday risks such as collisions, robberies and theft, are still subject to and dissatisfied clients want to harm them.

Therefore, all care taken is always welcome.

Just imagine having your car windows destroyed by a customer after a bad hearing.

Or even by the other side of the process, dissatisfied with their performance for the “opponent”.


With auto insurance for lawyers, you will have your losses compensated.

If you do not have protection, you will have to pay for repairing the damage yourself.

To help you choose the best insurance for your car, we talk about this type of protection below. Follow along!

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Why hire auto insurance lawyers?

Auto lawyers insurance works like any other, but may have advantages in some companies if the insured mentions their profession when quoting the service.

For example: you may have special conditions when taking out auto insurance through CAASP (São Paulo Lawyers Assistance Fund).

This is a non-profit body of the OAB, which offers discounts and advantages when taking out some insurance.

Always in partnership with some brokers and insurance companies known in Brazil.


This is because this body is interested in benefiting its members.

To achieve this, he seeks several advantages and partnerships, one of which is with insurance companies.

But it is worth noting that not all insurers will offer this type of discount.

Therefore, it is necessary to check which of them offer different conditions for lawyers.


For those who do not have the advantages of being a lawyer, or who have not found an insurance company with special conditions, there is always the possibility of taking out individual car insurance.

Or by fleet, in which case the contractor must have an open company that owns more than one vehicle.

The fleet insurance option is often interesting for large offices and helps protect all cars at once and for a reduced price.

But don't think that individual insurance can't also offer benefits.


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Depending on the vehicle model and usage profile, it is also possible to have access to a series of advantages.

However, it is essential to research well to take advantage of the best on the market.

Advantages of auto insurance lawyers

Without a doubt, the main advantage of having auto insurance is being able to travel without any worries about your vehicle.

After all, even if the vehicle is parked on the street, it will be insured.


So, in the event of theft, theft or other accidents, such as a collision, you will be compensated for the loss.

Another facility, provided by several insurance companies, is the spare car.

With this option, after any problem that prevents your vehicle from running, the lawyer can use a car offered by the insurance company.

This way, he will not waste his hearings or time solving bureaucratic problems.


Something important, since your fees are worth a lot.

You never know when something might surprise you.

So, being prepared is always the best way to avoid any problems.

Be it robbery, theft, accident, storm or other that has damaged your car.


Vehicle insurance also guarantees reimbursement of the value in the event of theft or theft and prevents you from incurring financial losses.

In this case, the user receives full insurance compensation.

The values ​​will allow the purchase of a new car, for “replacement”.

Most insurance companies have flexible payment options, such as installments, and a huge variety of coverage.

Just search to find the best auto insurance for lawyers.


How does car insurance work?

Auto insurance for lawyers works like any other for individual vehicles or fleets.

Through it, the insured has their losses reimbursed after an accident covered by the insurance company.

When purchasing car insurance, you need to define the service coverage.

In other words, the situations in which the insured can count on the assistance of the insurance company.


The most basic insurance on the market usually offers protection against theft, robbery, collision, fire and lightning strikes.

In addition to these, insurers offer a series of additional coverage for the vehicle.

There are options such as gas kit protection, third party coverage, passenger coverage, flood protection and more.

It is always recommended to hire as much coverage as your budget allows.


This way, you will be covered for, if not all, most accidents that occur with the car.

However, it doesn't mean you should overdo it.

In fact, it's important to only take out coverage that makes sense for your car.

This is because the number of insurance coverages directly influences its cost.


For example: why would you take out coverage for a gas kit if your car only runs on gasoline and ethanol?

With the coverage contracted, your car will be protected against partial and complete damage.

Always respect the rules listed in the insurance policy.

Know partial loss and full loss

Partial loss of insurance occurs when the car suffers damage corresponding to, at most, 75% of its market value.


In this scenario, the vehicle will be taken to the workshop and the damage repaired.

To repair partial damage, the insured and the insurer share the costs.

In this case, the user pays their deductible, which has a value defined in the contract.

Imagine a situation in which your vehicle suffers a collision.


Its repair will cost R$3,000, and the deductible determined in the contract is R$1,000.

Therefore, you will pay R$1,000 to the workshop for the repair, while the insurance company will pay the remaining R$2,000.

Full loss occurs when damage to the vehicle exceeds 75% of the car's market value.

Here, the user receives full insurance compensation, so they can purchase a new car.


As mentioned before, the full insurance compensation is also paid when the car is stolen or stolen, and not recovered by the police.

After registering the claim, the insurer has up to 30 days to pay the insurance compensation, whether partial or full.

The deadline starts from the moment the documents requested by the auto insurance company are delivered.

How to hire auto insurance lawyers

You can hire your auto insurance lawyers from an organization that offers facilities for acquiring this service.


To do this, you will need to consult your local OAB to find out which bodies these are.

It is also possible to search the different insurance companies for special conditions for your profession.

But if you don't have time to do this research and need quick answers, the best solution is to get an online quote from someone who can really help you.

In any case, it is important to do a good analysis and not sign a contract with the first company that presents you with a good proposal.


Research as much as possible and compare your quotes!

To facilitate the process, offers a simple way to receive different quotes.

They are delivered by email, with quotes from the most reliable companies in the insurance industry.

This way, you can make your choice without leaving home and without wasting time with bureaucracy.


After choosing the insurance company that best suits you, don't forget to read the contract carefully and be aware of all the clauses.

This way, you will guarantee the best auto insurance lawyers!

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