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Apps make car insurance cheaper
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The cheapest car insurance can be obtained through apps that monitor drivers.

Anyone who is going to take out car insurance has the habit of doing research to find one that has the most affordable price and offers the necessary coverage, however, they are not aware that applications make car insurance cheaper.


The use of the internet allows for more affordable prices for insurance, so much so that there are now online insurers that offer very competitive prices.

Because of this, more and more apps and websites are emerging that allow consumers to personalize their insurance and set up the coverage they want.

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An example of an online insurer that allows this flexibility is Youse, which is the first 100% online insurer in the country.

This allowed for a less bureaucratic and more dynamic business model


Another issue in relation to reducing the price of insurance is the usage habit and driving history and this does not need to be verified only in the profile questionnaire.

Apps make car insurance cheaper

Image: Getty

Spy apps to get cheaper car insurance

Telemetry allows you to get cheaper car insurance by understanding how the driver drives.

Spy apps can evaluate how a person is driving, for example, knowing whether they brake suddenly, speed and even whether the phone is used while driving.


In fact, it is not an application that is clandestinely installed on the smartphone, on the contrary, drivers often install them intentionally.

It works in conjunction with GPS which allows for precise geolocation.

The advantage of having applications that use telemetry is that they send information about driving habits to the insurance company and the higher the score for driving properly, the greater the discount will be when renewing the insurance.

In Brazil, the first insurer to adopt this technology was SulAmérica and the policyholder has the option of installing the application if they wish.


It evaluates different indices of driving information and generates a numerical average.

This is what will guarantee the discounts and conditions when renewing the policy.

SulAmérica informs that those who already use the telemetry of its application can guarantee a reduction of R$800.00 in the franchise, R$400.00 in insurance or a spare car for a longer period.

Discounts for using the app

Applications that use telemetry are not intended to just monitor the way drivers drive, but to make them more prudent behind the wheel.


When people know that they are being monitored and that this can translate into more money in their pockets, they respect traffic laws more.

And that becomes an insurance discount.

Insurance companies know that the more prudence, the fewer accidents and thus the fewer claims they have to pay, which is why they are “rewarding” those who stand out by driving well.

The discount percentage may vary from one insurer to another and, in some cases, can reach up to 50%.


However, the drivers who manage to reach the maximum level are very few.

On average, they enjoy a reduction of around 10% in the insurance value.

There are also some rules for discounts to be granted, some insurers require a minimum mileage driving the vehicle in order to carry out the analysis.

If you are below this target, you may even have a good score, but this does not guarantee that you will receive the benefit.


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Other ways to make insurance cheaper

In addition to apps that make car insurance cheaper, whether for hiring or evaluating drivers' driving, there are other ways to guarantee a lower price.

  • Choose car models that are less stolen;
  • Always park your car in the garage;
  • Invest in security equipment such as trackers;
  • Use the bonus class;
  • Choose the franchise that best matches your profile;
  • Negotiate with the broker;
  • Only hire the coverage you need.

Although the possibility of purchasing insurance completely online and personalized and using telemetry are still new, the trend is that in the coming years, applications will make car insurance cheaper.

You can check some price simulations for Ford Ka insurance and other models, here at SeguroAuto. Therefore, you can check some lower values ​​in the table.

Apps make car insurance cheaper

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Apps make car insurance cheaper



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