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Everything you should know about electric scooter insurance
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The challenges of urban mobility have stimulated the growth in the use of electric vehicles. Following this trend, insurance for electric scooters emerged. Find out more about this new feature in our article.

The growing concern about using less polluting means of transport and using clean energy combined with urban mobility problems typical of large cities have led to an increase in the use of electric vehicles.


Scooters, motorcycles, bicycles and electric scooters are part of this growing fleet. With the expansion of users of these products, the demand to insure them against theft and damage arose.

Everything you should know about electric scooter insurance

Image: Pixabay

Electric scooter insurance: key information

The popularity of electric scooters as a means of traveling on urban roads is a recent phenomenon in Brazil, which is why the number of insurers offering this type of insurance is still limited.

Although less common than car insurance, for example, the dynamics of scooter insurance are similar to any other.


A notable difference is the separation between insurance for scooters with up to 350W and insurance for models with more than 350W.

Like this, other electrical aspects mark the main particularities of this type of insurance. We will address them when dealing with coverage.

What is electric scooter insurance coverage like?

To provide information on the subject, we used the words of Ana, a specialist in mobility insurance, in an interview with the Elétrica channel – electric vehicle store.

The broker explains that, depending on the operator, the basic insurance will be different. It may only provide coverage for physical damage or include physical, electrical and theft damage.


In both situations, civil liability coverage is optional and contracting is at the client's discretion.

According to data contained in the official channels of insurance companies that offer this product, the following situations are covered by the policy:

1. Electrical damage

The term “electrical damage” often leads policyholders to misinterpretations, as Ana points out.

When taking out electric scooter insurance, many customers believe that all damages related to the electric part of the scooter will be covered.


However, only electrical damage occurring while recharging the vehicle is part of this coverage.

This way, if a lightning strike or high voltage damaged your scooter when recharging, the insurance company will pay for the repairs.

But if there was any problem linked to the battery and electrical operation, you will need to contact the manufacturer's technical assistance.

The amount of the deductible to be paid by the insured varies as established by the contracted insurance company.


2. Theft

Situations in which the vehicle is taken from its owner through the use of threats are covered by insurance.

Ana emphasizes that the threat does not need to be exclusively at gunpoint. Therefore, other ways of coercing and intimidating the insured are also valid to characterize theft.

In the event of theft, the customer must first file a police report.

Once this is done, with a bulletin and a letter reporting the event in hand, the insurance company needs to be contacted in order to request compensation.


3. Physical damage

Damage caused to the equipment by third parties will be covered by the operator and involves a deductible whose value varies depending on the insurance company contracted.

4. Civil Liability (RC)

Ana explains that this optional coverage, already common in bicycle insurance, is new in electric scooter insurance.

Given the growth in the use of electric scooters and other means of micromobility in large cities, insurance companies realized that offering RC to their customers was necessary.

This modality covers damage caused by the insured to third parties or to third party property while on board the vehicle.


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This way, if while traveling with their electric scooter, the insured person hits a parked car or injures a pedestrian, for example, they will be covered by the insurance company and will be able to repair the damage in question.

The amount of the deductible to be paid by the insured varies as established by the contracted insurance company.

What documents are needed?

Ana highlights the importance of presenting the product invoice. This is an essential element, as it is requested by all insurance companies.

If there is no invoice, as the electric scooter was purchased from a third party, it is possible to present a purchase and sale agreement, as Ana teaches.


In addition, a series of personal documents must also be provided to the insurance company to contract the service.

These include data such as full name, CPF, ID, date of birth, marital status and many other mandatory elements common to taking out any insurance.

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Everything you should know about electric scooter insurance

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Everything you should know about electric scooter insurance


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Everything you should know about electric scooter insurance


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