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Nabilla Benattia talks about her exhausting second pregnancy

Nabilla Benattia has had enough and has let it be known. Particularly affected by her second pregnancy, the bimbo admitted that she was in a hurry to give birth.

Last February, Nabilla Benattia announced overjoyed that she was again waiting for a happy event . Eighteen months after the birth of their little Millan, the Vergara are therefore preparing to get back to pampering. But after the euphoria of the first moments, the brunette confided that this second pregnancy was not easy .

Nabilla Benattia talks about her exhausting second pregnancy I'm fed up!

This Saturday, the one who is very close to her virtual community spoke on Snapchat of the various symptoms she had been feeling in recent days. And obviously, the influencer is not in her best shape :

It’s hard, I have acidities, I didn’t sleep last night, the baby moves a lot, I have migraines, that’s it. I don’t have a lot of energy, I’m very tired, I get exhausted quickly, I sleep at 8 p.m., it’s not fun. It’s not crazy crazy right now in my life, except that I’m very happy with my little family.

She explained on the famous social network.


“I can not stand it anymore”

Despite the fact that she is well surrounded and that her family does not fail to take great care of her, Nabilla would be delighted to give birth as soon as possible . 

Especially since, if we are to believe her words, Dubai would be far from being the ideal destination for a pregnant woman:

It’s only happiness but I can’t wait, I can’t take it anymore. In addition, it’s 40 degrees, I don’t want to go to a restaurant anymore because I can’t stay two hours at a restaurant. I have back pain, (…) I’m fed up!

And to add, at the end of the roll:

I don’t care, I just want my baby!

However, the one who did not want to know the sex of her future baby will be able to count the days that will bring her closer to the end of her pregnancy. 


She revealed that she already knows the date when her son will officially become a big brother :

I already know the date of my delivery at the very beginning of June. (…) At the end of the month, I will have two months left, all right.

A cesarean birth

A few months before the birth of her son, Nabilla expressed her fears about her first childbirth:

For people who ask me if I’m afraid to give birth… Well yes! I’m terrified of this idea, I have nightmares about it at night. (…) I know it’s coming, but I don’t want to think about it, I haven’t read anything about it. For me, the baby will magically come out as soon as he’s ready.

It was finally by caesarean section that Milann was born in October 2019. An operation that “went so well” that the 30-year-old young woman wants to have it again:

I chose to redo a caesarean section. The first time it was not wanted it was an emergency caesarean in the end it went so well! (…) So I made the decision to redo a caesarean section in the same place.

We wish Nabilla to live more peaceful days in the future, she who already let it be known last month that she could not stop eating . Something to annoy the brunette approached to participate in the next season of Dancing with the stars , who does her best to keep the line in all circumstances. She admitted a few days ago to have gained 15 kilos since her pregnancy.


Nabilla Benattia talks about her exhausting second pregnancy: “I’m fed up!”

But it is obvious that the young mother should quickly regain her initial weight.






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