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qomp2 – When Pong Meets Super Meat Boy
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Remember the good old days of Pong? Two bars, one ball, and all the excitement of bouncing a square back and forth until someone lost their patience. Simple, straightforward, and possibly the reason many of us needed glasses earlier in life.

Now, imagine taking that classic essence and throwing it into a blender with puzzle mechanics, deadly obstacles, and a minimalist design that looks like it came straight out of a film noir. That’s qomp2 – the sequel to qomp, an indie game that, like that one kid from school who decided to become an artist, decided to be “different.”

Adventures of a Rebel Ball (or How to Escape from an Atari)

If you're one of those people who think that balls and squares are just geometric shapes without personality, qomp2 will make you think twice. Here, the protagonist is not just an ordinary ball; she's a little ball thirsty for freedom, who decided to escape the clutches of the original Pong. And, unlike her square version in the first qomp, she's now round and ready to take on the world – or at least, 30 levels of it.


The controls are as simple as the plot: the ball moves at a 45-degree angle and you can only switch between up and down movements with the A button. Oh, and if you need a little push, hold down ZR for a boost that destroys blocks. That sounds easy, right? But it's not. As that annoying RPG friend would say: “the devil is in the details”. And here, the details are the obstacles that make sure to frustrate you.

Post-Puzzle Puzzle: When 30 Levels Aren't Enough

The phases of qomp2 are small works of art with minimalist design (or, as some would call it, “graphic austerity”). Each one offers a new puzzle that will test your skills, your patience and your ability to not throw the controller out the window. And as much as the game tries to seduce you with its simplicity, it soon reveals its claws with increasingly complex challenges.

The developers, in a somewhat sadistic way, make a point of keeping you on your toes, introducing new elements and mechanics in each new stage. Isn't it enough to dodge spikes like in Super Meat Boy? How about a scenario full of water that completely changes the physics? Or sharks that chase you like they were crazed fans at a BTS concert? Well, the variety of obstacles is one of qomp2's greatest strengths, always keeping you engaged and preventing the experience from becoming monotonous.


Monochromatic Look: A Minimalist Choice or Laziness?

Now, we need to talk about the graphics. Yes, I understand that minimalism is an aesthetic choice – but come on, guys! They could have at least splashed a can of paint on this color palette. Most of the levels are grayscale, with occasional splashes of blue, yellow, or red to indicate targets and breakable blocks. I’m not asking for a neon light show, but a little more life wouldn’t hurt, right? Even Super Mario Bros. knew that colors matter, and that game is from 1985!

The soundtrack follows the same pattern: minimalist to the extreme. Not that the sound needs to steal the show, but here it is so discreet that it almost disappears, letting the basic sound effects shine – which, let's be honest, is not exactly a victory.


Secrets, Collectibles and Nostalgia of Super Mario Bros.

If you’re one of those people who loves exploring every corner of a game in search of secrets, qomp2 has something for you. Each level hides collectibles and secrets that often require you to risk everything to find them. And for Super Mario fans, the game even offers a nostalgic touch with its level skips, allowing you to jump from one level to another just like in the old days of the mustachioed plumber.

These secrets add an extra layer of depth to the game, rewarding those who dare to explore beyond the main path. And let’s be honest, there’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of finding a well-hidden secret, especially when you’ve almost given up.


Challenging Bosses and a Too Short Campaign

In each chapter, the game pits you against bosses that not only test your skills, but also introduce new mechanics. These encounters act as the final exams for each chapter, requiring you to apply everything you’ve learned. And, like any good game, the bosses are a mixture of despair and relief when they’re finally defeated.

But as much as qomp2 shines in its challenging moments, the campaign is unfortunately short. With only 30 levels, many players will finish the game feeling like they want more. It's like eating a delicious appetizer and then finding out there's no main course. A DLC with more levels or even some secret levels would solve this problem.


  • Variety of puzzles and challenges
  • Constant introduction of new mechanics
  • Bosses that test your skills to the max


  • Visual style is too monotonous and simplistic
  • Soundtrack that goes unnoticed
  • Very short campaign, leaving much to be desired

Final Grade: 7/10

Ultimately, qomp2 is a charming tribute to the original Pong, mixed with the intensity of modern puzzle games. It takes the simplicity of Pong and elevates it to new heights with clever puzzles, challenging bosses, and secrets that beg to be discovered. However, its drab visual style and short campaign keep it from being a true classic. It’s one of those experiences that you’ll want to revisit, but that leaves a bitter taste that it could have been so much more. With that, qomp2 establishes itself as a great puzzle game for those looking for something challenging and different. Just don’t expect dazzling graphics or a long journey – here, the focus is purely and simply on the gameplay.


qomp2 – When Pong Meets Super Meat Boy

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qomp2 – When Pong Meets Super Meat Boy


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