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Study analyzes advertising investment on TV during the Mother's Day period in the last three years
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According to the National Confederation of Commerce (CNC), Mother's Day is the second most important commemorative date in retail and is expected to generate R$13.2 billion in 2024. The National Confederation of Store Managers (CNDL) and the Protection Service to Crédito (SPC Brasil) estimate that around 128 million people go shopping during the period. Despite expectations, Tunad, a Media Intelligence company, points out that the preliminary numbers for 2024 begin to mirror the market behavior observed in previous years, in particular, reflecting a pattern similar to that of 2022. The company has a team of auditing and a signal capture system for open TV and PayTV channels that is capable of identifying when commercials start and automatically classifying them via audio-matching.

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During the survey, the volume of advertising insertions relating to Mother's Day and the 14 days preceding it in the years 2022 and 2023 was analyzed, covering both open TV in São Paulo and PayTV channels. In addition, data from 2024 was also collected from commercials related to Mother's Day, from April 28th to May 5th, 2024.

In the 2022 ranking, the three main categories were Telecommunications (1,069), Websites/Applications (762) and Beauty/Aesthetics (604). In 2023, the Telecommunications category also stood out and led with 2,118 insertions, followed by Non-Alcoholic Beverages with 728 and Beauty/Aesthetics with 643.


“The persistence of Telecommunications at the top of the ranking highlights the sector’s continued investment in marketing and its growing importance in the daily lives of consumers, especially in an increasingly digitalized era”, Ricardo Monteiro, COO of Tunad.

For 2024, data accumulated until last Sunday (05/05/2024) indicates that the categories of Telecommunications, Beauty and Aesthetics, Non-Alcoholic Beverages, Food Products and Clothing should be the highlights. Together, these categories already represent more than 77% of the total invested in advertising campaigns related to Mother's Day on open TV and PayTV. Growth expectations are particularly high for the Clothing and Beauty and Aesthetics categories, with projections pointing to an increase of at least 35% in the number of insertions for each of these categories.

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We observed that there was a 37% growth in the number of insertions and a 6.6% increase in investment in 2023, compared to the corresponding period in 2022, increasing the number of insertions and investment of R from 5,213 to 7,147 $36 million to R$38.4 million. In terms of individual performance of the brands analyzed, the telephone company Claro stood out in the lead with 955 insertions in 2022. It maintained first place in 2023, with 1,137, followed by VIVO, with 881; Dolly with 560; Fast Shop (395); Giovanna Baby (355); Viva Sorte (34); Shopping Ibirapuera (313); Usaflex (302); Mercado Livre (264) and Havan with 262 insertions.

The impact of these campaigns is also reflected in the brand's 'uplift', a metric that indicates how much the brand increased above average in the moments of on-air advertising insertions. In 2023, of the 5 companies that advertised the most with the Mother's Day theme, Claro and Vivo led this indicator, achieving uplifts of 55,918 and 43,346, respectively, suggesting that their campaigns were particularly effective in generating consumer interest.


This pre-Mother's Day period, still heating up, shows how brands are willing to invest in advertising to take advantage of one of the most profitable dates in commerce, using different tactics to ensure maximum impact with the target audience.

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How is the study carried out?

Tunad has an audit team and a signal capture system for open TV and PayTV channels. The system developed by Tunad can identify the start time of commercials and automatically classify them via audio-matching, with an audit team carrying out the final check to validate the results. Currently, we audit for research the Open TV channels of São Paulo, Araçatuba, Bauru, Campinas, Curitiba, Itapetininga, Jaú, São José do Rio Preto, in addition to the PayTV channels: AXN, Cartoon Network, CNN Brasil, Discovery Channel, Discovery H&H, Discovery Kids, ESPN2, ESPN4, ESPN Brasil, Fox/Star, FX, Globo News, GNT, Megapix, Multishow, National Geographic, Sony, SporTV, TNT, Universal, Viva and Warner Channel. However, for customers, we are able to monitor most markets in Brazil.

Furthermore, the Tunad platform uses this data to cross-reference and identify whether these advertisements had an impact on any specific KPI. One of the KPIs with which Tunad has integration is Google searches. Tunad has an API that loads, minute by minute, the keywords registered on the platform. With this data, the platform plots an average search for the keyword registered five minutes before each of the ad identifications and makes a projection of how many searches would occur ten minutes after the insertions, if the ads had not been displayed — this is called baseline. After that, we compare this projection with the actual value of searches; Everything that exceeds this generated baseline we call Uplift, this being the main metric we use to evaluate whether or not an ad had an impact on the KPI.

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Study analyzes advertising investment on TV during the Mother's Day period in the last three years


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Study analyzes advertising investment on TV during the Mother's Day period in the last three years

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