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keep skin young and hydrated

Keeping a young and hydrated skin is a bit like the dream of every human being (men and women included!). The concern is that very often, people wait to see real wrinkles appear to start worrying about their skin. Yet, as the saying goes: prevention is better than cure! So for you, we have identified 3 techniques to keep a young and hydrated skin.


3 techniques to keep skin young and hydrated

1/ Food

keep skin young and hydrated

Yes, it’s not a scoop and yet… Many, many of us absolutely do not pay attention to our diet and end up spending thousands of euros on injections while paying a little attention to what is on our plate, our skin would thank us more!

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So, to keep a young and hydrated skin, our skin must benefit from vitamin C, beta-carotene, omega 3 and zincintakes. So choose kiwis, carrots, oranges, tomatoes, spinach, salmon, avocado, broccoli, mushrooms, nuts Also bet on the algae that will be your allies to keep a young skin! And of course, drink water minimum 1.5L per day! Because there is nothing better than good hydration to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


2/ Hyaluronic acid capsules to keep skin young and hydrated

keep skin young and hydrated

Many are familiar with hyaluronic acid in the same way as Botox. We know that we can be injected but few know that we can also use hyaluronic acid in the form of capsules and as a dietary supplement.

You should know that our body naturally produces hyaluronic acid but, as we age, this production decreases and thus causes the appearance of our dear wrinkles. Hyaluronic acid therefore helps to regulate the hydration of our skin and to replenish its cells. And, as it decreases with age, it can be used in different ways:

  • In injection
  • In cosmetic products
  • In capsules

Hyaluronic acid capsules

This is the most recent method and most certainly the one that offers the most advantages. By consuming it orally, it allows a contribution from the inside,so, it offers an effect on the whole body and not only on the face. As a cure, taking hyaluronic acid capsules is done on a daily basis and proves its effectiveness over time.

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3/ Stop smoking, alcohol and sun (keep skin young and hydrated)

keep skin young and hydrated

Do you want to cry while reading this title? I understand you, too! At the same time, I am sure you are not learning it today!

The clope

The cigarette decreases oxygen as well as nutrients that give radiance to your skin, hello gray and dried mine! Smoking means accepting to lose your collagen and clogging a dehydrated skin. However, I know how difficult it is to quit smoking! After being a big smoker (20 to 30 clopes a day), it’s been 3 years since I stopped and I can assure you that my skin is like new!

Alcohol (keep skin young and hydrated)

Like clope, alcohol dehydrates the skin and makes it lose its elasticity. Not to mention that when we drink too regularly, our complexion becomes waxy and frankly not jojo! So a drink from time to time, yes! 3 drinks a day no!

The sun

Unfortunately for us, the sun is probably the worst enemy of our skin! It accelerates skin aging because of its UV and often causes the appearance of brown spots and fine lines. So, if like me, you can’t help but sunbathe because you like to have too much tarned skin, don’t forget to choose a good sunscreen! And choose your hours to sunbathe quickly naturally (in the morning or from 4pm).


It’s up to you to see what you prefer between having a pretty caramel-colored skin for two weeks, or keeping a young skin and moisturizing as many years as possible! (And then there are the self-tanners to help you!).

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