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Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally

Having long, beautiful, shiny hair is probably a dream of many women. Unfortunately, various factors make hair growth sometimes slightly stunted, making hair difficult to length. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to have it. By routinely doing hair treatments that use natural ingredients, hair can be longer. Curious how to lengthen hair naturally? Take a look at the ingredients below!

1. Olive oil

Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally
Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally

Not only good for the health of the facial skin, olive oil is also good for the scalp and hair. Use a little on the hair while massaged and leave it overnight then rinse thoroughly the next morning. The content of omega 3, 6, 9, and various vitamins in it can nourish the hair perfectly.

2. Aloe vera (Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally)

Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally
Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally

Aloe vera is also known to provide good benefits for hair health. Take the gel part of the aloe vera plant and apply it all over the hair. Do this two to three times a week for maximum results.

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3. Green tea

Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally
Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally

Green tea has a high antioxidant content that can smooth the lightness around the scalp. This is what will stimulate hair growth. You just have to brew green tea as usual, then pour it all over your hair while massaged gently.

4. Coconut Milk (Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally)

Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally

For those of you who do not know, it turns out that coconut milk also has a myriad of beauty benefits, especially for hair. Apply coconut milk to taste on the hair and wrap it with a warm towel. After 15 minutes, rinse the hair with cold water. Not only will your hair get longer faster, but you’ll also look thicker.

5. Eggs

Ways to Lengthen Hair Naturally

Not only can it help hair growth, eggs are also known for their benefits in making hair look shiny and smooth. All you need to do is shake it in a container, then apply it to the whole hair and wait for 15-20 minutes to infuse. After that, wash your hair as usual. Do it regularly for maximum results.

That’s how to lengthen hair quickly naturally. Try it right away!




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