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Fathers Day Celebration – When is Father’s Day 2021? You know that at the latest when the men pull through the area with carts and beer. In Germany this is the case exactly 49 days after Easter Sunday , because Father’s Day always takes place on Ascension Day. In Germany it always falls on a Thursday. But this is not undisputed – just like the custom itself. Fathers Day

Fathers Day

Worldwide Father’s Day is always celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Learn the fascinating history how this holiday came to be, along with recipes and unique ideas to celebrate dad!

Background to Father’s Day: Why a woman invented it

The origin of Father’s Day in Germany cannot be precisely determined. It is likely that several traditions have intermingled. Christians have been celebrating Ascension since the 4th century. At some point that day they walked around the fields at the so-called corridor walkways and asked for a good harvest in summer. Marching took place on Father’s Day in Germany long before it was invented.

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Father’s Day, as we and most other countries know it today, has its roots in the USA. In 1910 Louisa Dodd, whose father had fought in the Civil War from 1861 to 1865, started a movement to honor fathers. US President Richard Nixon finally made Father’s Day an official holiday in America in 1974. Since then it has been celebrated in the USA on the third Sunday in June and has spread from there to many parts of the world. Therefore, Father’s Day has many appointments. While our neighbors in Austria always celebrate it on the second Sunday in June, in Italy March 19 is Father’s Day. Only Switzerland traditionally does not celebrate Father’s Day.


Father’s Day Celebration

Father’s Day Celebration
Father’s Day Celebration

Traditions and customs: Father’s Day is often celebrated with joy and joy

And what about Germany? Why Father’s Day is so cheerfully celebrated in Germany is better documented than its origin. The tradition of the father’s forays emerged at the end of the 19th century in Berlin and the surrounding area. It was probably started by brewery entrepreneurs out of economic interests.

Father’s Day in Germany has therefore been firmly associated with alcohol consumption for many years. However, the trend is towards celebrating Father’s Day as a family day or not at all. Fathers Day

Father’s Day is changing: The criticism of the “men’s party” is growing

One reason for this is perhaps the increased criticism of Father’s Day, as it is celebrated in Germany. The allegations: Father’s Day supersedes a Christian holiday and the “men’s party” with the exclusion of family and children suggests an outdated image of men. Also, unlike women, men would celebrate themselves on Mother’s Day.

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Father’s Day 2021: You can’t go wrong with these gifts

Typical men’s gifts are very popular on Father’s Day: tool gadgets, football fan articles and of course everything for the perfect steak on the perfect grill. If you want to be less clichéd, it’s best to give away a board game. The whole family can benefit from that too. But despite all the criticism of the “men’s party”, a men’s place setting is certainly not the worst gift option. Fathers Day



Fathers Day

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