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You know that it is important to always protect yourself, but in addition to taking care of your car insurance, it is essential to take out travel insurance so that your trip is safe. See how this type of protection works!

Security is paramount nowadays, after all, there are several reasons that can give you a headache.


Car insurance is a way of protecting your car against robbery, theft and accidents and is very important in any day-to-day situation, even when you are not driving your car, as someone could tamper with it.

Understand the difference between premium and deductible in car insurance

But when you go on a trip there is another important type of protection: travel insurance.

This service protects you in several ways and it is important to have one so that your tour is complete.

Find out how the travel insurance can help you with a car trip🙂

Travel Insurance: find out how it works and protect yourself at all times

Source: Pixabay

What is travel insurance

Travel insurance is a type of service purchased when you go on a trip.

Some packages already include this type of service in the price, but many do not have this protection and you need to pay separately to make your trip with peace of mind.

With it, you stay safe and guarantee peace of mind with your luggage and also in cases of unforeseen events involving your health.


What travel insurance covers

Each travel insurance may have a different type of coverage and it is important to find out before purchasing, but some of the most common are:

– Medical and hospital assistance

If you need to see a doctor due to an emergency, you can count on help from your insurance even for last-minute surgeries.

– Coverage for pharmacy expenses

If you need urgent care, you will receive reimbursement for the medicines purchased, whether for medical or dental care.

It is used in cases of sudden illness or personal accidents.


– Trip cancellation

If you need to cancel your trip due to any unforeseen circumstances, you will be reimbursed, receiving back what you paid in advance, as long as you give a certain amount of notice (which is generally 48 hours).

– Luggage insurance

If you lose your luggage due to loss, theft, theft or even destruction, you will receive compensation that takes into account the weight of the luggage.

It is important to make sure that the bags are the responsibility of the carrier.

Why take out travel insurance

When you go traveling you never think that the worst can happen, as you always hope that your trip will be the best possible.


However, you need to be aware that there may be problems along the way and being prepared to take care of them in the best possible way is essential.

So, how do you know if you're going to get sick, get run over, have some kind of accident, have an uncontrollable toothache, lose your suitcase, have your suitcases stolen, etc.?

There is no way to predict what will happen and when something like this happens in the city where you live there is already a lot of expense, imagine in a different place, in that city in another state or even in another country, where you don't even know it properly. language and customs?

This is when travel insurance becomes essential.


That small investment you made before traveling guarantees peace of mind for the entire trip and, even if something bad happens, you will already be prepared and have the chance to receive the assistance you deserve.

He wants more peace of mind during your travels? So follow my tips, 😉

Mandatory travel insurance

Some countries consider travel insurance mandatory and you will not be able to visit them without purchasing this service first.

Those that are part of the Schengen Treaty require a cover of 30 thousand euros to be contracted to allow a tourist to enter.


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The countries belonging to this treaty are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden and Switzerland.

So, you don't want to miss out on these beautiful places just because you forgot your travel insurance, do you?

Is there travel insurance that protects the car?

Protecting your life while traveling is essential, but when traveling by car, is there protection for it?

This is a question that many people ask themselves, after all, they want to travel at their own pace and enjoy the landscape that the road offers.


If your itinerary only includes Brazil, car travel insurance may be unnecessary, as having traditional insurance provides coverage for the entire territory.

Check if they have a guidance service, this will be essential for peace of mind.

When exploring Mercosul with your vehicle, you will need to take out Green Card Insurance.

You can request it from your insurance company and you will be covered for damage caused to third-party vehicles.


In the case of other destinations, it is more likely that you will have a rented car.

Normally, the car rental company includes car travel insurance in the rental that offers some protections, however, it is possible to take out additional ones.

Some credit card companies offer travel car insurance under certain conditions, for example, paying rent with the card.

Finally, it is possible to have insurance that protects your car during your trip, just look at the situation in which your vehicle fits.


It is worth mentioning that the benefits of protecting your car are the same as travel insurance for people, providing greater peace of mind and reducing possible costs.

Travel insurance price

Travel insurance can cost from R$15.00, but everything will depend on your profile and the route you will take during the trip.

Travel time, destination, age, types of coverage chosen and policy value are taken into account.

To guarantee the lowest price and maximum protection while saving money – since you already have other travel expenses – it is important to get quotes from several companies to ensure you get the best price.


It is also worth finding out about the insurance company's reputation before signing the contract, as it is important to hire a trustworthy service, as your safety is at stake.

How to choose the best travel insurance

Some insurers that work with car insurance also have travel insurance services and you can even find out from the company that already takes care of your vehicle's protection if they have this service, as there is already a relationship of trust.

Take advantage and find out what they are directly on the SUSEP website.

What about protect your car on your trips? Check out my tips and enjoy!


However, this doesn't always happen and you may need to hire a different company for your travel insurance. To do this, follow these tips:

  • Evaluate the type of coverage that each company offers and which ones you consider important (remember to consider the different unforeseen events, but do some research to research the medical costs in each location, for example, to find out how much you would spend if you needed care) ;
  • See if the travel insurance option together with the credit card is worth it. Check with your bank.
  • Compare the prices and types of coverage of individual plans, travel agencies and your card to find out which has the lowest price with the most coverage.
  • Read the contract carefully before signing anything and ask any questions you have before traveling because after the trip you won't be able to complain about something you didn't understand.

With simple tips, you can take out the best travel insurance and protect your trip just as your car insurance already protects your car on a daily basis.

find out how it works and protect your trip

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