Kablin, CPFL and 15 other companies pay dividends this week

by James Williams
Kablin, CPFL and 15 other companies pay dividends this week
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Kablin, CPFL and 15 other companies pay dividends this week
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During this week, between the 13th and 17th of May, companies from different segments will pay dividends and interest on equity (JCP) to shareholders, according to data reported by Money Times, a news portal about the financial market, through a survey together with Empiricus Research, a Brazilian company specializing in financial content and investment ideas. Some companies such as CPFL (CPFE3), Cury (CURY3) and Ouro Fino Saúde Animal (OFSA3) made the payment this Monday (13/05).


For this Tuesday (14), payment is expected from the company Priner (PRNR3), in the industrial segment, with engineering, maintenance, thermal insulation and industrial painting solutions. Responsible for providing a dividend yield of 0.56%.

For tomorrow, Wednesday (15), payments will be made by the companies Allos (entertainment, lifestyle, services and shopping platform), Grendene (footwear sector, owner of brands such as Melissa, Grendha, Zaxy and Rider), SLC Agrícola ( agricultural commodities company, focusing on the production of soybeans, cotton and corn), Neogrid (business solutions segment), Irani (paper and packaging industry), Banco Santander, Badespar (these two being in the banking segment, while the second was founded in 2000 from a spin-off from Bradesco) and Petroreconcavo (operator of onshore, oil and gas fields).

Among the percentage of these companies, according to Money Times, the largest of these to date is the paper and packaging industry, company Irini, which provided a dividend yield of 17.34%. The percentage of the company Allos was not disclosed.

Until Friday, shareholders of the companies BMG, Taesa, Klabin, CIA Saneamento Minas Gerais and Banco Estado Rio Grande do Sul will receive payment of proportional dividends.

Table with payment dates and company percentages, according to Money Times (Reproduction: Money Times website/Givoana Leal)

Table with payment dates and company percentages, according to Money Times (Reproduction: Money Times website/Givoana Leal)

Understand what dividends and JCP are

Share dividends represent a part of the company's profit that is distributed among shareholders, they function as a type of bonus for the investment made and are paid per share, depending on the company's performance, cash generation, earnings and the company's strategy. company.

While interest on equity (JCP) are payments paid by companies to shareholders, as a type of remuneration for the loan of financial resources from shareholders to companies.

Featured photo: stacks of fifty cent coins to scale (Reproduction: Pinterest/@user664584)

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Kablin, CPFL and 15 other companies pay dividends this week


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Kablin, CPFL and 15 other companies pay dividends this week

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