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Vengeance Preparing Fans for Epic
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Attention, fans of games where you negotiate with demons more than with its own conscience: Atlus has just announced more details about Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance.

And if you thought you'd seen it all in terms of apocalyptic environments and dubious moral choices, get ready, because this game is going to take what you know and give it a good makeover. demonic twist and play back to you at a premium price.

The Sacred Dungeon “Shakan”


Get ready to explore “Shakan”, a new dungeon that, for a change, is located in a forbidden land in Shinjuku. As if Tokyo didn't have enough problems with traffic and the cost of living, now they also have to worry about guardian angels and rotating devices in a location that will probably confuse more than any Japanese subway map.

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After completing the game once (because of course, once is never enough)you unlock the mode “Godborn”. This is for those who thought Normal mode was child's play and really want to prove they have what it takes to face demons who have been trained in the school of extreme suffering.

Demi-fiend: A Nostalgic Return Loaded with Expectations and Demons

The inclusion of Demi-fiendthe iconic protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne (yes, the one from PlayStation 2, remember?)in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance It's like meeting an old friend who not only survived the apocalypse, but also brought with him a bunch of new demonic tricks.


Demi-fiend is a symbol of resilience and power in the universe of SMTa warrior who crossed devastated worlds and faced deities with a smile (or was it a grimace?) sinister in the face. His presence in this new title bridges generations of SMT games, uniting fans old and new with the promise of epic battles and complex strategies that only he could inspire.

By reintroducing this legendary NahobinoAtlus pays homage to one of its most famous chapters, and also raises the level of challenge and depth of the game, offering players the chance to face the chaos of the SMT universe with one of its most powerful and charismatic characters.

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Get ready to relive the glory (and terror) of commanding Demi-fiend, because he's back and ready to show that, even among gods and demons, there's room for a true antihero.


New Demons to Negotiate or Fight

Along with the usual favorites, we will have more than 270 demonsincluding glorious debuts that promise everything from African sky gods to cunning tricksters and giant water serpents that look like they came out of a marine biologist's nightmare.

DLC Included: Because Everyone Loves a Good Extra

And for those who love good DLC content (who doesn't?), Atlus has kindly included missions from “Return of the True Demon” in the base package. Now, you can suffer even more without having to pay extra for it – unless, of course, you want to buy the other 300 DLCs they're releasing next year.


PACT time!

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance is life experience (or several lives, considering how many times you will die). With new content, updated systems, and an insane amount of demons to negotiate, fight, or flee from, this game promises to be everything SMT fans and newcomers could want – assuming you're willing to delve into moral dilemmas that would make a philosopher weep.

So, grab your strongest amulet, gather your courage, and prepare to be transported to a world that makes the apocalypse look like a walk in the park. After all, nothing says “fun” like trying to save (or doom) the world with the help of a team of demons who could very well be your worst nightmares. Good luck, you're going to need it!

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Vengeance Preparing Fans for Epic

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