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Scorn – Since the initial reveal of Scorn 8 years ago I have been very intrigued by the game, as in addition to being a horror game, it would also be artistically inspired by the works of H. R Giger, who was part of the team responsible for the special effects of Alien : The Eighth Passenger (1979), and Zdzisław Beksiński, an artist known for his works of dystopian surrealism.

Scorn brings good atmosphere and convincing graphics

Now finally with the game in hand and properly reset, I must say that although it manages to deliver a good setting and scenarios carefully and graphically well produced, everything else leaves something to be desired. Developed in Unreal Engine 4, it is possible to notice that the Ebb Software team took great care and care when creating the artistic part, having achieved clear success in that regard.
The settings are satisfyingly grotesque and exclaim HR Giger, making it impossible not to remember his work on Alien for most of the experience. The monsters, while lacking in variation, also feature bizarre designs. The only problem in this regard, in my opinion, is that at no time did I feel sick to my stomach or afraid of something that was to come. Being a horror game, it lacked something to scare the player or leave him disturbed.
There’s just a focus on gore, which should strike some astonishment in players who are more easily impressed by that sort of thing, but nothing more. Scorn brings good atmosphere and convincing graphics
Another positive aspect of the game is that, although it was made in Unreal Engine 4, which tends to give PC problems due to the way it loads materials, the optimization was so well done here that the usual problems of this graphics engine barely bothered me during my nearly six hours of gameplay.
There was a choke here and there, but nothing serious like, for example, what I witnessed in Ghostwire: Tokyo, which bothered me to the point of abandoning the PC version and playing in the video game. Scorn is so incredibly well optimized that I was able to play it smoothly on my GeForce RTX 3070 at 4K and 100 fps+, with all graphics options maxed out and using FSR in Quality mode. Scorn brings good atmosphere and convincing graphics
Speaking now of the negative aspects, the first of them are the puzzles, which is the main focus of the gameplay. Although they are easy to solve once you understand what needs to be done, the way they were conceived breaks the rhythm of the game a lot, undermining the experience as a whole. In combat, the situation is even worse. You spend a good part of the game with only a short-range weapon, which is terrible in confrontations and more frustrating than anything else. When you’re almost halfway through the game, you’ll finally find a firearm.
All weapons with shots (there are few of them) take a long time to reload and, if you are not careful, you may run out of ammo. In certain situations, this can be fatal, even forcing you to restart the Act you are in to plan better. Another aspect that made me uncomfortable is the way the game creates autosaves.
You have no way to access them manually, being forced to press “continue” and hope that the last of these saves didn’t happen too long before you died. I found myself several times having to do the same task because of this. There is also no option to save manually. Scorn brings good atmosphere and convincing graphics
I even understand the developer’s idea behind it. They left it that way so that the player can be more careful when exploring the levels, but that wasn’t well applied here, because even acting this way, there are times when you end up dying and find yourself having to redo some steps that you had already done before. because the game does not have a more adequate number of automatic saves and also does not allow you to save on your own.
About the story, it is the type that probably most players will find themselves trying to understand it, without success, even after zeroing the game. You are told absolutely nothing about what your purpose is, either directly or indirectly, and it’s up to you to just find yourself based on what’s around you and what happens to you. Scorn brings good atmosphere and convincing graphics
Conclusion Scorn brings an auspicious atmosphere and carefully crafted scenarios from an artistic point of view, but its slow pace, tedious puzzles, horror that doesn’t scare and mediocre combat end up undermining what could be a great experience. Its almost six hours of duration drags on and seems to last forever.
The end result was disappointing, especially for a game that had been in development for so many years. pros + Atmosphere has been well crafted + Artistic part draws a lot of attention cons – Dull puzzles – Gameplay in combat is annoying – Game pace is too slow – Bad autosave system Grade 6.0/10.0
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A copy of the PC game was provided by Kepler Interactive for this review.

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Scorn brings good atmosphere and convincing graphics
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