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Find out more about national car insurance
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National car insurance is the most sold type of insurance in Brazil. It guarantees protection throughout the country.

Are you thinking about purchasing insurance? So, be careful to take out national car insurance!


With the option, your vehicle will be protected throughout Brazil.

Imagine, then, that you are from São Paulo. Insurance will protect your car normally on a day-to-day basis.

However, if you decide to travel to another city, or even state, it is important that the vehicle remains protected, right?

This is what national car insurance does, by providing coverage across the entire national territory.


When hiring yours, you need to be very careful.

After all, even though this type of insurance is the most common, it is not the only one available.

Therefore, you need to make sure you are purchasing the most complete coverage.

Or, protection may be limited to a small territory.


It is also important to say that national car insurance is only valid in Brazil.

Anyone wishing to cross the country's borders needs to have different insurance.

For South American countries, the insurance available is Carta Verde.

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If you live in cities close to the borders with other countries, it may be a great option to combine national insurance and Green Card.


This way, your vehicle will be protected regardless of your route.

Now that you know all this basic information, it's time to find out more about national car insurance. See below!

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How national car insurance works

Today, the majority of insurance sold covers the entire national territory.

In other words, if an accident occurs anywhere in the country, the vehicle will be covered.

In many cases, national car insurance has a validity period of 12 months.

It can also be temporary, with coverage for minutes, weeks, hours and others.


These coverage possibilities for a shorter period of time were recently established by the Private Insurance Superintendence (Susep).

The rules are listed in Circular 592.

Car insurance can only provide basic coverage.

These include theft, fire, lightning strikes and collisions.


In addition to these, there is the possibility of taking out additional coverage.

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Such as protection for windows, flood protection, insurance for gas kits and media accessories, spare car and more.

Typically, the user can customize their insurance as they wish.

Therefore, it can include all the protections that make sense in your case, leaving the vehicle as protected as possible.


The user only has assistance from the insurance company when the loss is covered by their policy.

It is also important to pay attention to the rules of the contract, as there are exceptions to coverage.

Who is national car insurance suitable for?

National car insurance is suitable for any driver.

This is because we know that some drivers travel frequently.


Others do this only sporadically.

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Still, they need to be protected.

After all, why wait for a trip to emerge to guarantee protection?

When purchasing insurance, it is important to do a lot of research.


First, to find out if the company is authorized to operate.

Only companies registered with Susep can sell insurance in Brazil.

At the same time, you need to know the reputation of the insurance company.

Find out how the company's users are served today, and whether they are satisfied.


It's worth checking these opinions on sites like Reclame Aqui.

There, it is possible to monitor the number of complaints made about the company and how many were responded to.

The site also shows how many users would do business with the company again, which is a good indicator of quality.

National car insurance value

With the chosen company, you will need to provide some information.

Such as the car model, frequency of use, who the drivers are and more.


All of these factors will define the car’s risk of accident.

It is based on this risk that insurers define the cost of national car insurance.

A young driver, for example, pays more for protection than a driver with years of driving license.

After all, the former has less experience behind the wheel and is more likely to have an accident.


Still, companies give “more weight” to one piece of information or another.

Therefore, prices are quite different between insurers.

Researching will ensure you find the most advantageous price.

It is essential not to lie to the insurance company.


Like saying the driver of the car is an older driver when in fact an 18 year old is driving it.

After an accident, companies check whether the information they have corresponds to reality.

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If not, the insurer may deny compensation, alleging fraud on the part of the client.

Therefore, the user does not receive any compensation for their losses.


Therefore, the value of this insurance will vary not according to its coverage area, but rather due to the coverage and driver profile.

Without getting a quote for your car, it's impossible to be sure how much you'll pay.

But it is always possible to find an average.

For example: the average price for 2010 Hyundai i30 insurance is R$2,700.00, while the cost for a 2015 car is R$3,000.00.


This variation occurs due to driver and vehicle information, as stated above.

How to make national car insurance cheaper?

When choosing national car insurance coverage, you need to be careful.

The more coverage contracted, the more expensive the insurance becomes.

Therefore, choose only those that are really necessary.


For example: your city doesn't suffer from flooding, and you hardly travel.

Why hire flood coverage? If you have questions, you can ask your broker for help.

Another tip is to install a tracker in the vehicle. The tracker is a device that allows you to locate the vehicle.

This makes it easier for the asset to be recovered after a robbery or theft.


Therefore, the insurance company will not need to pay the full compensation, but only partial compensation, if damage occurs.

Unless, of course, the damage is greater than 75% of the car's value.

How does national car insurance work?

First, the consumer must take out insurance with all the coverage they need.

By paying the insurance premium (the amount charged), your car will be protected by the insurance company.


Then, as soon as an accident occurs, the user needs to contact the insurance company.

This contact can be made by phone, email or the company website.

Some of the companies even provide a smartphone app.

With the claim open, the insurer will give instructions on the next steps to the insured.


Typically, these steps include submitting some receipts and waiting for compensation.

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When a car accident involves a partial loss, the user must pay the deductible.

A partial loss occurs when damage to the vehicle is less than 75% of the car's value.

In this case, the car only needs to be repaired, and the franchise pays part of the costs.


In other words, the car insurance deductible is the cost that the user is responsible for after an accident.

It is through this that the insured and the insurer share the loss with the vehicle.

The amount is fixed or percentage, which is determined in the policy.

Imagine that your car suffers a collision.


The repair cost will be R$1,500. Your deductible is R$500 and, therefore, you will pay R$500 to the workshop.

The insurance company will pay the remaining R$1,000 for the repair.

An insured car can also suffer a total loss.

In this case, your damages are more than 75% of the car's value.


Then, the insurance company pays the insured person the full compensation, without charging a deductible.

Full compensation aims to allow the purchase of a new vehicle.

It is also paid when the vehicle is stolen or stolen, and not recovered by the police.

Advantages of national car insurance

Anyone who has national car insurance knows that they can count on several benefits. Among them are:

  • Being able to travel without worrying about any eventuality with the car;
  • Assistance services even when you are on the road or in a state other than your own;
  • Possibility to choose the coverage that best suits you;
  • Have values ​​that become accessible due to ease of payment.

Companies that have national car insurance

Today, most companies operate with national car insurance.

Cases that do not have this coverage are quite rare.

In any case, it is important that you get a quote from several companies.

Comparing values ​​and coverage will allow you to find the best prices.

see the advantages and disadvantages!

Additionally, check whether it is safe to hire the services of a particular insurance company.


For example, Youse Seguros is one of the companies that offers cheaper plans.

But is Youse trustworthy?

That's why, before taking out insurance for your car, it's essential to research the insurer, as we've already explained.

You can rely on the Reclame Aqui website or others.


How to take out national car insurance

Taking out national car insurance can be very simple, especially if you choose to do it online.

In this case, simply fill out a quote request form to receive all the information.

Then just choose the proposal that interests you most, so that your car can run safely.

Remember to take all the research precautions we mentioned, as this will guarantee the best deal for you.


Ready! Now you know everything you need to know about national car insurance.

Do you have any questions? Comment below! We will be pleased to help you.

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