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Sickly jealousy

Everyone has a jealous side to love, it’s relatively normal, except when it takes on far too much importance. It becomes what is called sickly jealousy. Because when it reaches this stage it can turn into a nightmare for the one who undergoes it but also for the one who lives it. In order not to reach the final stage of rupture after conflicts that can no longer be resolved, here are exercises to help you fight this difficult feeling of jealousy. Sickly jealousy: 5 exercises to fight it.


Sickly jealousy: 5 exercises to fight it

#1 Learn to let go

Loving does not mean possessing. Even if you are in a relationship and in love with one another, it is not healthy to want to control the actions of your partner. On the contrary, we must learn to respect our freedom and our need for independence, which are perfectly legitimate within a couple. By this respect you prove to him that you trust him.


Now, letting go does not mean accepting everything from the other either. It is important to define among yourself the limits of each one which allows to better preserve independence and freedom. By letting go, your relationship will be more respectful and healthier, without suffering the sickly jealousy so harmful for a couple.

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#2 Let it out without you

When we are jealous, what surely worries us the most is to let your partner have a good time without us. Can’t reason? Youalways want to know where he is, with whom and what he is doing? Being aware of each of his actions is essential for you, because otherwise you imagine everything and anything…

To try to overcome this feeling of jealousy, you have to pass time without it and vice versa. Let him go out alone with his friends at the cinema or go for a drink. And do the same on your side. Nothing like a good evening with friends to cheer you up and think about something else. If your darling spends the evening with his buddies, do not stay alone in your corner, also go out. This will help you endure what you feel at first like a separation, and then tame and accept it.

#3 Respect your privacy (Sickly jealousy)

It is obvious that most of his intimacy he shares it with you. Only everyone has the right to his secret garden and therefore to his privacy. It is not because you are in a couple and you live together that he has to tell you everything. You can’t watch all his phone calls, mail, emails or profiles on the networks. Spying on him is very unhealthy and will make him believe that you have no confidence in him.


To try to realize how it feels when you do this, reverse the roles. Despite your jealousy you will surely not accept that he does the same thing and monitors you at every moment. Freedom and respect for independence in a couple are two essential things for the duration of your relationship.

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#4 Learn to Love Yourself (Sickly jealousy)

Jealousy is above all a lack of self-confidence. Being convinced that one does not deserve to be loved by a person can lead to destructive behaviors towards one’s partner but also towards oneself. These behaviors will be more or less conscious and will scare away your other half. Before you get to this situation, you need to learn to love yourself and have positive thoughts about yourself.

It’s not easy to do and learn. Because it can also be very buried in you and come from a rather painful period of your past. One of the best ways to do this is to agree to help. Make an appointment with a psychologist to talk about all this. Also, a sophrologist can help you relax and refocus on yourself.

#5 Trust yourself to fight your sickly jealousy!

Like learning to love yourself, you also have to learn to trust yourself. If you have confidence in yourself, you will have confidence in him, it is not more complicated than that. To help you gain self-confidence, choose a positive experience from those you have had in the past. Remember that this experience made you feel proud of yourself. You have already managed to overcome obstacles so it proves that you have the strength of character to gain self-confidence.


Of course, any individual doubts at some point in his life, this is normal. You cannot know everything and control everything. But the goal is for you to trust yourself on your relationships with others in order to feel serene in your relationship and in confidence with your partner. This will help you to fight your jealousy little by little.

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