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Families Seek Justice for Boate Kiss Series
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On January 25th of this year, Netflix launched the series “Every Day the Same Night”, which was released two days before the tragedy turned 10 years old, which talks about the Kiss nightclub tragedy, through four interconnected stories of the victims' families. . Reveals details from the time of the fire that killed 242 people and left 632 injured, to the mourning of family members who have been fighting for justice for years and until now, 10 years after the tragedy, no one has been punished.

The series is based on the book report by journalist Daniela Arbex, released 5 years after the fact. The subject of the tragedy has once again become one of the most talked about on digital media platforms, both due to the launch of the series and due to the 10 years of impunity.

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Series “Every Day the Same Night” divides opinions in web (Photo: Reproduction/Netiflix).


But opinions about the series were divided, many gave their opinion in favor of the series, because this way it will never be forgotten, serving as a warning for other clubs to act differently and prevent the same from happening, and also to denounce the impunity that is spreading to today, because after 10 years no one has been arrested and held responsible for what happened.

Other people, including many families of victims and survivors, think that this series should not be released, because it unearths a story of pain and suffering that people wanted to forget or at least not remember, which with success and repercussion becomes difficult.

Many families said they felt bad watching it, and for its existence, for remembering a painful past that was exposed to the world through a series.

Some families have come together to sue Netflix over the series, they say they will not allow anyone to make money off the pain and suffering this tragedy has caused.


These family members justify the revolt over the series: “We were taken by surprise, nobody warned us, nobody asked us for permission. We want to know who is profiting from this. We do not allow anyone to make money off of our pain and the deaths of our children. We want to understand who authorized it, who was notified, because many of us were not.”

These parents who intend to denounce Netflix are not part of the Association of Relatives of Victims and Survivors of the Tragedy of Santa Maria, who are portrayed in the series.

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The lawyer, Juliane Muller Korb, sought by these family members, explains the case: “All families feel the same pain, but in different ways, including in relation to this series. They all have resentment with the judiciary and with impunity until now. The big issue is that there was a lack of sensitivity, on the part of Netflix, to make contact with the parents. Not to ask permission or restrict poetic license, as the story has no owner, but to let them know that it would be something totally different from anything they had ever seen.”

The lawyer also adds: “They were prepared for a documentary, not a drama series. Parents and survivors are 'used' to seeing journalistic materials, with reproductions and reliable reports. But the series is different. The impact was very strong because it is a simulation, a reproduction, with different faces, with actors. They are 'used to' the post-tragedy situation. And the series shows the before, so it's as if it happened again. It’s a very fine line between fiction and reality.”


These parents still question where the profits that Netflix will collect from the series will be passed on, as in their view, part of these profits should be passed on to the treatment of survivors and the construction of a Memorial at Kiss.

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Featured Image: Series Every day the same night has great repercussions – Reproduction/Netflix.


Families Seek Justice for Boate Kiss Series

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Families Seek Justice for Boate Kiss Series


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