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Which insurance companies accept taxis?
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In the market, it is not difficult to find insurance companies that accept taxis. However, the coverages can be very different, and attention is needed when hiring them. See everything in the text!

There are several insurance companies that accept taxis, as well as those that offer insurance for other cars.


However, the rules for this type of protection are different.

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The reason is simple: the risk of accidents.

Taxi drivers roam the streets for much of the day.


Therefore, the vehicle used as a taxi ends up more exposed to accidents, especially compared to cars used for pleasure.

Risks include robbery or theft, collisions and more.

Furthermore, there are some differences between the cars used for taxis.

This is because, at the time of acquisition, they are acquired with exemption from some taxes, making their value lower.


Due to these and other differences, not all insurance companies accept taxis.

Even so, there are still many options on the market.

To help you find the ideal one, we have selected some insurance companies that offer taxi insurance.

Check it out soon.

Which insurance companies accept taxis?Which insurance companies accept taxis?
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How to choose the best taxi insurance company?

As mentioned so far, there are several insurance companies that accept taxis.

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Therefore, it is usually simple to obtain protection.

However, attention is needed: you must carefully evaluate what each company has to offer.

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This will make it simpler to obtain exactly the coverage your vehicle needs.

When evaluating an insurance company, it is worth paying attention to three main points.

First, the consumer's opinion of the company.

Therefore, you can research the brand on the internet and check whether current policyholders feel satisfied with the assistance offered.


The company must also have authorization from SUSEP to operate.

SUSEP is the Private Insurance Superintendence.

In this text, we only indicate insurance companies that are up to date with the Superintendency.

However, if you decide to contract the service with another brand, you can search for it on the SUSEP website.


Lastly, you will need to evaluate the cost of insurance and compare it to others.

With this care, it will be easier to understand whether the company is charging a fair price for the coverage offered.

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A best quotewith best brokersby the best prices.

To make this process easier, seek the help of a broker.

The specialist has direct contact with insurance companies and obtains quotes in a simpler way.


5 insurance companies that accept taxis

Now that you know how to choose the ideal insurance company, it's time to find out about insurance companies that accept taxis.

See below!

1. Porto Seguro

Porto Seguro has a service exclusively aimed at taxi drivers.

With it, the user has access to basic coverage, such as collision, fire, theft, theft, damage to third parties and passengers.


The following are also basic coverages in Porto Seguro taxi insurance:

  • Reservation car or credits in mobility applications;
  • Glass Protection.

At the same time, the insurance allows you to take out many other optional coverages.

Among them are:

  • Loss of profits;
  • First Claim Exemption;
  • Sanitation in case of flooding;
  • Medium Extra Size Car.
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Porto Seguro taxi driver insurance also includes free services at the insurer's Automotive Centers, including free replacement of brake pads and oil filters.

It is also possible to obtain discounts on a series of services and 24-hour assistance.

2. Mapfre

Mapfre already has AutoMais Táxi, a product aimed at the category.


The main coverages offered are robbery, theft, collision, fire and Vehicle Optional Civil Liability (RCF-V).

As free coverage, Mapfre taxi insurance offers a replacement guarantee for the new value of the car.

This counts from the date the car leaves the dealership.

There are 90 days for fire, robbery or theft situations, and 180 days for collisions.

This type of taxi insurance also has additional coverage, which can be taken out as needed.


The options are:

  • AutoMais Casa Protection, which offers compensation after material damage to the insured's home, caused by fire, lightning strike or accidental explosion;
  • Protection Plus or Protection Top Plus, which pays compensation for Family Civil Liability;
  • Backup car;
  • Moral/aesthetic damages;
  • Towing extension (300 km, 600 km or 900 km distance);
  • Coverage guarantee, which transfers the insurance to a new car, in the event of a full accident on the first one, without the need to pay an additional amount;
  • Coverage for gas kit;
  • Guaranteed income for the period in which the insured car is unavailable for taxi work;
  • Payment of revenue;
  • Reimbursement of extra expenses, such as regularizing the documentation for your new vehicle;
  • Excess insurance;
  • Excluded Risks, including coverage of accessories, special equipment and bodies;
  • Repair or replacement of car windows.

The scope of coverage covers the entire national territory, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

3. BB Seguros

BB Seguro Auto para Táxi is a product aimed at taxi drivers and made available by the Banco do Brasil insurance company.

The main coverages are the same as those provided by other insurers, such as fire and theft.

In addition to Optional Civil Liability – Vehicles (RCF-V), which covers material damage and bodily injury to third parties.


There is also the possibility of taking out additional coverage, including options such as guaranteed income and towing extension.

Care when taking out pirate insurance

In addition, there are a series of assistance available to the user.

Among them, we can mention:

  • 24-hour vehicle assistance;
  • Home assistance;
  • Emergency for pregnant women;
  • Personal travel assistance and others.

There is also free coverage in BB taxi insurance.

Are they:

  • Guarantee of compensation for the value of the 0 km car in cases of fire, robbery or theft within 90 days, or total collision within 180 days. The days are counted from the date the car leaves the dealership;
  • Reserve car for 10 days.

4. Youse

At Youse, there is the possibility of setting up insurance with the desired coverage, in the most personalized way possible.

Therefore, the company does not talk about basic coverage.

In fact, taxi drivers choose which protections they want to have access to and include in the policy.

Assistance services are also optional.

All coverage and assistance options include: passenger accidents, theft, flooding, spare car, locksmith and more.


5. Azul Seguros

Azul Seguro Auto Táxi can be contracted without filling out a risk assessment questionnaire.

Furthermore, the vehicle does not need to have an anti-theft system, required by some insurance companies.

By taking out Azul's basic taxi insurance, the user is protected in the event of a collision, fire, robbery and theft.

Additional insurance coverage can be purchased depending on the needs of the driver and his vehicle.


At the insurance company, they may be:

  • Windows/mirrors/headlights/lanterns;
  • Interruption of Profits;
  • Gas Kit;
  • Moral and Aesthetic Damages.

You can also count on several 24-hour assistance services for your taxi.

Thus, Azul will provide help in emergencies.

In this case, for example, locksmith services, assistance in the event of a lack of fuel, towing and tire changes are offered.

Another difference in assistance is transportation and transportation to collect the vehicle when it needs to be repaired.


What coverage does taxi insurance cover?

If you've read this text so far, you've already realized how varied taxi insurance coverage is.

Even better: it is possible to establish personalized insurance, with exactly the protections you want.

In any case, there are two essential coverages for a taxi: that for passengers and that for loss of profits.

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Passenger coverage

With it, the taxi driver guarantees that he will offer assistance to his passengers if something happens.


This aid typically includes amounts for medical or disability expenses.

Coverage of lost profits

Meanwhile, coverage for lost profits (or guaranteed income) prevents losses.

Imagine that your car suffers a collision and remains in the workshop for a week.

Have you ever thought about not working for a week and, consequently, not receiving anything?


This could affect all household finances, right?

Therefore, coverage for lost profits reimburses the insured with part of the amount he would receive if he were in full activity.

The compensation available varies according to what appears in the insurance policy.

In the insurance policy, in fact, all the rules for taxi insurance are listed.


Therefore, it is important to read it carefully and agree with each term established before signing it.

Whenever possible, it is also worth taking out third-party coverage.

Through it, the insurance company pays for the losses of others involved in an accident.

This way, the taxi driver saves himself from having to repair the car he collided with, for example.


But insurance companies that accept taxis may not be your only partner in your day-to-day work.

Experts suggest that the taxi driver also take out life insurance.

After all, unfortunately, there is a lot of traffic violence.

Not just because of collisions, but robberies, robberies, etc.


By taking out life insurance, the taxi driver can be guaranteed new compensation.

Above all, you will not leave your family destitute in the event of an accident that prevents you from working.

Care when taking out taxi insurance

Another point that deserves care when taking out taxi insurance is the value determined for full compensation.

In other words, compensation is paid when the car suffers damage greater than 75% of its market value.


Or, even, when the car is stolen or stolen, and not recovered by the police.

It is interesting that the compensation follows what is established in FIPE.

FIPE indicates the market value of the car.

The full amounts paid by the insurance company are intended for the purchase of a new vehicle.


Ensuring they are sufficient will make purchasing a new car easier.

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Additionally, it is important:

  • Choose an insurance company that has agility in the liquidity of the claim, so that your taxi driver activity is not interrupted for a long period;
  • Take out specific insurance for taxi drivers. Otherwise, you may lose your right to compensation;
  • Don't forget to take out coverage for passengers, in order to guarantee greater peace of mind for those inside the vehicle.

It is always a good idea to take out as complete insurance as possible.

This way, you will know that you will have assistance if accidents occur.

But be careful not to overdo the toppings.


The protections contracted influence exactly the cost of insurance.

If you get unnecessary protections for your car, you won't use them and will have more expensive insurance to pay for.

Ready! Now you know which insurance companies accept taxis, and what coverage and precautions to take.

Remember to research the companies extensively.


This way, you will be sure to get the best service, at the best price.

*This text is editorial content and does not guarantee the sale of this product on this website.

Which insurance companies accept taxis?

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Which insurance companies accept taxis?



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