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Social networks and your couple

New technologies: a great asset of everyday life

We are many to have Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat. Rest assured, I’m not here to say bad things about social networks, we follow old acquaintances with Facebook, Twitter allows us to always be on the page at the level of the news that interests us and Snapchat … Ben Snapchat is funny. We can also have LinkedIn, the social network between professionals, but not knowing anyone to testify to the role of LinkedIn in its relationship, I will pass.

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It is easy, nowadays, to make contact with a touch of subtlety. To add that person you like as friends rather than experiencing that awkward moment when you don’t know how to ask him for his number. It’s easy to have the image of your boyfriend remotely in front of you, live, thanks to Skype. There was a time when we could not call the boy we liked without our parents being aware: today teenagers have their phones.


And sometimes, it can happen to us to attend beautiful meetings on Twitter, until we learn of the birth of a new couple. The Internet is the world at hand, new technologies allow a new communication, communication is the friend of the couple and even the friend of the seducers.

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Discover too much about the person ( Social networks and your couple )

But the Internet and new technologies sometimes turn out to be harmful. Stalkers (and even stalkers), you who will directly visit the Facebook profile of this person to see his mentions Like and check his head from when he was 4 years old, do you not think that it can also be more pleasant to discover this information by yourself, during a discussion, at the same time as he will learn to know more about you?

Is it really essential to know the exact location of this boy who tapped you in the eye? To follow with too much attention the evening he posts every minute on Snapchat (even if it is very likely that his evening is not as great as he tries to make believe, otherwise he would certainly not be glued to his phone)? Trust is one of the basics of the couple but what can we think of it at a time when you can no longer resist to verify the identity of each girl on each of her photos posted?

But hey, it’s still convenient ( Social networks and your couple )

Now, instead of wondering if this person you like is in a relationship, a ride on his Facebook can solve this question. Be careful, however, many are not up to date or choose not to fill in this information, sometimes even forget to update it.


SMS are a great tool to dredge, unless you are an obsessive compulsive (like me when my friends do not answer in the second), we rarely disturb with an SMS, the person chooses to answer when he wants and if he does not want to discuss, we guess it at his absences of recovery, while avoiding the annoying white that would have made us undergo a phone call.

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Once again, we can still note a nuance: some people are clearly not connected text and will answer you in monosyllables while they appreciate your discussion and you will leave defeatist when you should not. Sometimes worse: you never know in what context your message is read, by how many hands your recipient’s phone will pass

Similarly, it’s a bit fishy this pseudo prince charming identified in 20 photos kissing 20 different pretty girls. Yes, being informed is not always a bad thing. Even if ever, no status or tweet will be worth a real face-to-face conversation with your partner

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