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Trackers or insurance? |
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Not sure whether to opt for trackers or insurance? Know that both are very important to protect your assets. Look here!

Between choosing to place and trust trackers or car insurance, know that you can choose both. And it's not an exaggeration to opt for both options, as the tracker will make it easier for your vehicle to be found in the event of theft.


Auto insurance protects you by reimbursing the value of the vehicle in the event of a total loss. Furthermore, insurance also offers other protections. See how each one works here!

Trackers or insurance?

Image: Getty

Why invest in trackers or insurance?

Buying a car means, for most people, fulfilling an old dream of purchasing their own vehicle. If you invested in buying your car, you know how difficult it was to own the vehicle, right? If you don't invest in protecting your property, you could be left at a loss in the event of theft, total loss or other accidents.

To get an idea of ​​this interest, in the month of August 2016 alone, 148,888 vehicles were registered and the year's total totals reached 1,106,053 registrations.


Largely due to the high values ​​involved and the amount and time of work required to raise the money necessary to make this desire come true, it is very common for owners to also invest a lot of money in protecting their vehicles. Today, on average, you need to earn around 65.9 minimum wages to be able to buy a new Hatchback and around 10 years ago it took almost twice as much.

When we talk about vehicles and protection, we usually only think about good old car insurance, but nowadays trackers have emerged as a very interesting, effective and, in most cases, cheaper tool for protecting your vehicle. This is because, as the name suggests, these devices track your vehicle and can deliver its precise location – something very useful, for example, in cases of theft and robbery.

How trackers work

Trackers are small devices that basically integrate a GPS locator and a cell phone network on a single board. How it works is simple: the signals from the GPS tracker determine the location of the vehicle and the cell phone network is responsible for sending these signals to the company in charge of monitoring the tracker.

Therefore, when the equipment is installed, it frequently sends a signal about the vehicle's location. And the precision is very interesting, indicating a lot of precision as to where the car is located, even if it is in closed places like parking lots.


Therefore, when the equipment is installed, it frequently sends a signal about the vehicle's location. And the precision is very interesting, indicating a lot of precision as to where the car is located, even if it is in closed places like parking lots.

To get an idea of ​​the costs, you need to remember that they are quite affordable compared to the benefits they provide. Those who intend to buy the equipment will spend around R$ 750.00 and R$ 1 thousand, while the monthly fee is around R$ 69.00 and R$ 99.00, however there are services that cost R$ 299.00 a month.

Tracker Features

Most trackers update their position with monitoring companies every 30 seconds, and some include features such as:

  • “Panic button”: a hidden button that can be activated in the event of an attempted robbery or kidnapping, for example, warning the monitoring company;
  • Control via mobile devices: some companies allow device control via Smartphone, tablet or notebook;
  • Vehicle locking: some tracker models allow the vehicle to be locked remotely.
  • Traffic area: in this case, an area is established in which the vehicle can travel, and whenever it leaves it, an alert is sent with the information.

Know that opting for trackers with insurance is the best way to avoid financial loss. That's because this is the best care you can offer your vehicle.

How does car insurance work?

With insurance, your car will always be protected and your wallet will thank you. In other words, you will have to make an investment because you will have to pay the cost of the plan, but in return, you will have the necessary protection whenever you need it. Just call your insurance company and wait for them to help you.


Auto insurance covers various accidents and, depending on the plan you choose, it will even help you in the event of a flat tire. Protections include: theft, collision, theft, total loss, damage to third parties, among others.

And hiring him is simple. You just need to go to the chosen insurance company, fill out a questionnaire and wait for them to evaluate your history and that of your vehicle. As soon as your car is accepted, you will be able to walk the streets and avenues with ease.

Insurance x tracker: which is better?

Among trackers or insurance, trackers have gained many fans, as they represent a powerful vehicle safety tool and because they are a considerably cheaper service than a complete insurance package.

However, it is important to highlight that insurance generally offers more protection resources, such as, for example, a new vehicle, a spare vehicle, security during repairs, etc. The tracker is limited to locating the vehicle in cases of theft and robbery, for example; at most, block them.


The ideal is to be able to reconcile the use of both services, that is, trackers or insurance, even if it requires a little more financial investment. To get an idea of ​​the costs, an HB20 has insurance with an average value of R$1,800.00 and the tracker costs around R$69.90 in monthly fees. Adding up the values, the annual expenses do not even correspond to 5% of the total value of the vehicle, which today cannot be found for less than R$40,000.00.

Trackers are especially useful in cases of motorcycles, which are traditionally targeted by thieves.

Some insurances require trackers to be installed, and the presence of the device, in some cases, even reduces the price of the insurance package itself, as it significantly contributes to a reduction in the “accidents” of the vehicle, making it easier to be eventually recovered. This reduction can reach 25% of the total insurance value.

The tracker ends up being very useful in cases of theft, allowing the vehicle to be located more easily. The insurance will compensate if it is not located and also in several other situations such as collisions. Both are complementary services, and it is difficult to say which is better as they meet different needs.


Better understand all the advantages of opting for a tracker in your car, with our tips.

The tracker ends up being very useful in cases of theft, allowing the vehicle to be located more easily. The insurance will compensate if it is not located and also in several other situations such as collisions. Both are complementary services, and it is difficult to say which is better as they meet different needs.

It's worth warning: trackers are not 100% safe

It is important to emphasize that no security scheme is 100% secure – not even the security systems of large bank vaults are 100% secure. The trackers, despite being well built, have some security flaws. But even with this, the recovery rate for vehicles with trackers is around 94%, a very high number.


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Trackers are devices that basically work by emitting radio signals to determine the location of the vehicle. It turns out that radio signals can be easily interrupted: if a burglar, for example, stores the vehicle in a box truck, the radio signals will be blocked. The same happens if he uses a device that emits noise at a specific radio frequency. Or, even simpler, if the criminal finds the tracker inside the vehicle and gets rid of it.


Another security “flaw” lies precisely in the concept of the device. Since the function of the trackers is precisely to locate your vehicle, this means that the company that monitors the device will know where you are at all times, and will have this information for a certain period of time. In this case, it is a matter of privacy.

How to find good insurance with a tracker?

Now that you know that you don't need to choose between trackers or insurance, you can stick with the products and guarantee the total protection of your vehicle. To choose a good product, you can purchase it separately or together.

It is worth remembering that tracker insurance, when purchased together, may be more limited. This is because tracking companies are usually the ones who offer it and the insurance has basic coverage such as theft and theft, but the price is also much more affordable.

If you want complete protection, it is always recommended to check if you have this option. Hiring separately can be more efficient to hire exactly the services you want without restrictions.


Saying which is the best tracker or insurance company is practically impossible, as each one will satisfy a different type of need. In this case, what matters is getting a good quote and buying the benefits that each one offers. Existing insurers can be consulted on the Susep website and you can get a quote on It's quick and easy!

Trackers or insurance? |

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