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Felipe Prior appears on the web to make an appeal: ‘They disturb my defense’

accused of rape, Felipe Prior commented on the attacks that Maira Pinheiro, a lawyer who defends one of the victims, has suffered on social networks. On Instagram, the former BBB made an appeal.

“First, I’m stopping by to thank you for the messages of solidarity you’ve been sending me. I’m sure we’re going to win this battle. But I am also here to ask you to stop sending messages to the lawyers of those who claim to have been attacked by me. The messages get in the way of my defense. All I don’t need right now is more exposure. I know you are rooting for me. So don’t message the attorneys or other case people. I need your strength and understanding right now. It is worth mentioning that I do not know who these people are. But I repeat that they stop, the only appeal I have at this moment is to ask them to stop, all this will not help. And I’m also here to say that I’m innocent and that we’re going to win this. Thank you from the heart, that’s it”, he said.



This Wednesday, July 19th, Maira Pinheirolawyers for the victims who accuse Felipe Prior of rape, participated in the program Encontro, on TV Globo, and gave unprecedented details of the threats he has been suffering through messages and calls from fans of the former BBB.

“(One of them) even threatened my daughter, who was seven years old at the time,” he said.

Maira revealed that the threats and calls have been happening since 2020, when the subject came up again.

“Things that attack my morals despite the fact that I am exercising my profession. This type of attack has become quite frequent. This since April 2020. And over time it became a more orchestrated thing, hundreds a day, ”she said.

The lawyer revealed that she keeps all the threats and that many attacks say that women are opportunists and thought that the process had nothing to do with anything.


“I’m a lawyer, I document these things. I have a cloud folder where I keep these threats. The attacks on the version presented by the victim were very shallow, calling women opportunists. Throughout those three years, people thought he had been cleared, that nothing had come of it,” she explained.

The lawyer also revealed that there are male lawyers defending women who accuse Felipe Prior of rape

Finally, Maira Pinheiro also said that, before being famous for the BBB, Felipe Prior already had a “fame” in the media he circulated. “Before being famous for participating in the BBB, he already had a reputation for having predatory behavior against women”, he concluded.



On the night of Sunday, July 16, “Fantástico” aired exclusively the report of the woman who denounced him for the crime. An architect, like the former BBB, she recounted in detail the dawn of horror that she says she has never forgotten.

Currently 31 years old, the victim was 22 when the violence occurred and was studying architecture at the same private university as him, in São Paulo: “We started having contact because of a classmate of mine, who also studied in the North Zone, right? We all lived in the North Zone. She talked to him and suggested that we do a paid carpool scheme, right? Since we all lived close by, ”he said.

It is worth noting that there are three other reports of rape against the former BBB. Juliana Valente, the victim’s lawyer who spoke with Fantástico, highlighted that Prior he has already become a defendant in one and that the other two are under investigation by the Civil Police.

The lawyer hopes that he will also be convicted in all cases and that his sentences, added, reach 24 years in prison: “We believe that he will get a longer sentence in these other cases. If he gets the minimum sentence, at least 24 years in prison, which we are fully convinced will happen. These victims, after so much suffering, will get the least amount of justice, because that pain will never be repaired.”



According to the victim, the case occurred in the early hours of August 8, 2014, after a party at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP.

“When it was time to leave, I ran into Prior. He, ah, I’m going too, do you want a ride? Then I said, okay. This friend of mine who was with me, she also lived in the North Zone”, he highlighted.

Without showing her face and very emotional, interrupting several times due to tears and a broken voice, she gave details of how the rape happened.


“He dropped my friend off at her house first. And when we were going towards my house, he stopped the car in the middle of the street. And he unbuckled my belt, started kissing me. And then he got in the back seat and pulled me out.”

“He started taking my clothes off. And as things went on, he became more and more aggressive towards me. I said: ‘Felipe, I don’t want to’. I started trying to physically resist and he started pulling my hair.

“He started to hold me by the arms, hold me by the waist. He started forcing penetration. It was really painful. I screamed. A lot of blood started to come out,” recalled the victim.

The victim told Fantástico that, after the violence, Felipe Prior saw the blood and asked if she would like to go to the hospital: “I said no, that I just wanted to go home”, she said.



When she got home, she went straight to the bathroom. “I stayed in the shower trying to stop the blood alone, but my pressure was already very low. I went to wake up my mother and asked her to help me”. The victim’s mother then decided to take her daughter to the hospital, where a grade 1 laceration was certified – compatible with rubbing the penis or introducing another instrument into the vagina, according to the medical record.

When questioned by the doctor about what had happened, emphasizing that she could tell the truth because she was in a safe place, the victim remained silent. She only broke when she saw Prior on “BBB20”, years later, and friends showed prints of tweets from other women who pointed him out as an abuser.



According to the victim, the day after the incident, Prior wanted to know how she was doing: “He sent me a message, asking if she was okay”.

The young woman was ashamed that the story was spread at the university and asked for secrecy: “I told him that I was hurt, that I had a wound and asked him not to tell anyone. I was afraid that he would talk to other people and that I would be marked by this situation. I didn’t want people to see me and see me and think about it,” she lamented.

By resolving to put shame and judgment aside, the victim decided to help other abused women: “I can help other women to have the courage to take a stand. Because this needs to stop. This needs to stop,” she said.

Unfortunately she is part of my story. What I can do with her today is show the world that no woman deserves to have such a wound.”


The case was revealed by Marie Claire Magazine in April 2020 – after the BBB’s prior departure.


After the conviction, the architect used a social network where he has six million followers to say he is innocent and limited the comments on the post. All are positive for him.

In note, the defense of Prior said that he received information about the sentence through the media and that the decision “will be the object of an appeal, given the irresignation of Felipe Antoniazzi Prior and his Defense, who fully believe in him, depositing unrestricted credit in his innocence and that, on appeal, his reform will be achieved, in prestige to Justice, recognizing his legitimate and true innocence, which remained patently demonstrated during the procedural instruction”.


“Reaffirming the full innocence of Felipe Antoniazzi Prior, it is emphasized that this is his civic and procedural status, in the light of the presumption of innocence, imposing on him, as on other citizens in a Democratic State of Law, as the fatherland, respect, in primacy to item LVII, of article 5 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, which recommends that ‘No one will be considered guilty until the final and unappealable conviction of a condemnatory criminal sentence’, so that he does not incur in injustices, like many already assisted, unfortunately, in our country”, says the text.

In note, the defense of Prior said that he received information about the sentence through the media and that the decision “will be the object of an appeal, given the irresignation of Felipe Antoniazzi Prior and his Defense, who fully believe in him, depositing unrestricted credit in his innocence and that, on appeal, his reform will be achieved, in prestige to Justice, recognizing his legitimate and true innocence, which remained patently demonstrated during the procedural instruction”.

“Reaffirming the full innocence of Felipe Antoniazzi Prior, it is emphasized that this is his civic and procedural status, in the light of the presumption of innocence, imposing on him, as on other citizens in a Democratic State of Law, as the fatherland, respect, in primacy to item LVII, of article 5 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, which recommends that ‘No one will be considered guilty until the final and unappealable conviction of a condemnatory criminal sentence’, so that he does not incur in injustices, like many already assisted, unfortunately, in our country”, says the text.


Felipe Prior appears on the web to make an appeal: ‘They disturb my defense’

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