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Monday negotiations

The war in Ukraine took a new turn on Sunday when Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered his nuclear weapons division to switch to combat mode. Despite the threat, Ukraine and Russia reached an agreement to negotiate Monday.

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Putin put Russia’s nuclear forces on edge as the ultimate threat . According to the Russian president, this was a response to economic sanctions against Russia by various countries, including the EU. He is also not happy with the “aggressive statements” that top officials of NATO countries would make.


Western experts still consider it unlikely that Putin will actually use nuclear weapons. At the same time, the nuclear threat is greater than it has been in decades.

NATO called Putin’s decision “dangerous” and “irresponsible” . “When you choose these words when we all see what they are doing in Ukraine, it is clear that the situation has become even more serious,” NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg said.

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A spokesman for US President Joe Biden said Putin is fabricating nonexistent threats to justify his own aggression.

Putin threatens nuclear weapons, Monday negotiations

The European Union imposed even tougher sanctions against Russia . European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that EU airspace will be completely closed to all Russian aircraft. Previously, individual EU member states such as the Netherlands , Belgium and Germany closed all their airspace to Russian aircraft.

The EU also sends arms and ammunition to Ukraine. Furthermore, Russian media that are under the influence of the Russian state are banned from Europe. According to von der Leyen, such severe measures have never been taken against a country before.


Ukraine and Russia to negotiate Monday . Despite the ever-increasing threat, both sides agreed to speak to each other “without preconditions.” Negotiations will take place on Monday morning near the Ukraine-Belarus border.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky agreed to the negotiations after a telephone conversation with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, an ally of Putin.

Zelensky already said he expected little from the negotiations . However, he added that if there is “any chance of ending the war”, he should participate in talks.

Monday negotiations

Monday negotiations Ukraine and russia

Protests were again widespread in many countries . Protesters called for support for Ukraine and condemned Putin. On Sunday, thousands of people protested in Amsterdam and Groningen, among other places. Large-scale protests also took place in cities abroad.

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Protests are also taking place in Russia, but there the police are cracking down on demonstrators. More than 4,500 protesters have been detained in Russian cities since the start of the invasion, the independent human rights organization OVD-Info said .


Fifty refugees from Ukraine have already reported to the asylum seekers’ center in Ter Apel . This was confirmed by a spokesperson for State Secretary Eric van der Burg (Asylum).

“Now there are dozens, but that could soon be hundreds, or a few thousand. We are in any case prepared for that,” says Van der Burg.

Refugees from Ukraine with a passport do not have to report to an asylum seekers center, but they are allowed to. Citizens from Ukraine can stay in the Netherlands for at least 90 days, without requiring a visa.

The European Union imposed even tougher sanctions against Russia . European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced that EU airspace will be completely closed to all Russian aircraft. Previously, individual EU member states such as the Netherlands , Belgium and Germany closed all their airspace to Russian aircraft.


The EU also sends arms and ammunition to Ukraine. Furthermore, Russian media that are under the influence of the Russian state are banned from Europe. According to von der Leyen, such severe measures have never been taken against a country before.

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