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The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

I asked you some time ago, what were the craziest things you did out of love! Many of you have answered me and I thank you for that! I couldn’t keep everything, I made a selection of the stuff that seemed really crazy to me! I hope you like it! So here are the craziest things you’ve done out of love:

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The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

1/ Just to see him for a few hours: Sonia – 26 years old

I took a round-trip ticket from Paris to London the same day just to be able to see it for a few hours.


2/ I left everything when I had only seen her once: Camille – 29 years old

I returned my Parisian apartment, left my job and took a simple plane ticket to go to join her in Guadeloupe to live with her when we had only seen each other once. I don’t know how to explain it, I knew it was the right one.

The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

3/ Money and a blockage: Vincent – 33 years old

I made him a big bank transfer to help him when we weren’t even together anymore. A week later, I had no more news.

The first time: mirror of our entire sex life?

4/ Her friends: Laetitia – 31 years old

I agreed to live in collocation with 5 friends to him for 2 years

The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

5/ An unforgettable military mission: Sébastien – 28 years old

I wrote him one letter a day for three months. Indeed, having to go on a military mission for 3 months, I decided to write him one letter a day. On the day I left, I gave them to him. So, every day, she felt like she was a little bit with me.


6/ Forgiveness: Christelle – 38 years old

I forgave and tried to resume our life as a couple after he left to live with his mistress.

The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

7/ A new language: Clement – 27 years old

I learned to speak Russian. Yes, yes! My darling being Russian, I took two years of intensive courses, today I hold almost any conversation in Russian!

8/ Selling the most expensive: Charlotte – 25 years old

I sold my vinyl collection and asked my friends to lend me money to take a plane ticket to Canada to join him when he was on Erasmus. (Nice by the way because when I arrived there by surprise, I discovered that he had met someone else!)

The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

9/ Sleeping on a doormat: Ludovic – 29 years old

One day when we got angry, my heart aerated so much that I couldn’t bring myself to leave. So I slept on his doormat. I think it was beneficial to me because when she opened the door the next day, she took me in her arms crying and everything was forgotten. Today, we still laugh at this story!


10/ Treasure hunt: Taninha, 30 years old (21 years old at the time of the surprise)

I created a treasure hunt, in his building with posts-it notes on the stairs… He had to go through the manager of the brewery downstairs, and join me in a restaurant in the end. I lured around with a cardboard sign, with written on it: I love you. I asked myself in front of his job waiting for him. He then kept the sign in his room as a souvenir!

How to recognize a man in love? The signs

The craziest stuff you’ve done out of love

11/ Defy the forbidden: Sylvain – 34 years old (16 years old at the time)

I stole a car, crossed a border and drove 900km without a license at 16 years old to find it

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