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Women in Love: César decides to postpone the wedding

In “Mulheres Apaixonadas”, a soap opera that is being rerun by Rede Globo, César (Jose Mayer) still has a crush on Helena (Christiane Torloni).


Preparations for the parade at the hotel. The girls watch the models. Super intimate stele of the organization. She arranges a little party in the suite. Diogo leaves for the birth date. Afrânio charges if he returns to the office. Téo pensive at the bar. Salete secretly telephones him and arranges an outing. Pizza at Helena’s house with her sisters and husbands. Matilde and Marcinha find out about the clash between Rodrigo and Laura at the clinic. César scolds Rodrigo for having fought with Laura. Passionate, Marina films Diogo and they play for the camera. César tells his family that he is going to postpone the wedding with Laura. Marcinha questions her father and Rodrigo celebrates. Helena tells the sisters that Téo had a drink with César, who is scheduled to marry. Matilde worries that the postponement of the wedding was because of Helena. Doris calls a friend and comments that she hates her grandmother, who didn’t tell her there was a party. Amadeu warns that Seu Leopoldo is sick. Leopoldo recovers from the scare. Doris picks them up at the lobby and is harsh with the grandparents. Rodrigo goes to the school to talk to Helena about the theater group there. Diogo tells Téo about his relationship with his in-laws and encourages his uncle to enjoy life. Laura distant with Cesar. He communicates that he called Luciana to join the team during Laura’s vacation. Rosinha tells Raquel that Marcos called her at school. Raquel gets scared and drops her coffee cup on the floor. Raquel doesn’t talk and Rosinha doesn’t understand. Luciana takes Laura’s place, who goes on vacation. Fred finds Raquel’s behavior strange. Marcinha tells Helena that César postponed the wedding. Zilda tells Carlinhos how Doris treated her grandparents badly. Carlinhos welcomes the grandparents. Sergio says goodbye to Heloisa to go on a trip and asks Helena to take care of his wife. Carlinhos tells Carlão that Leopoldo was shaking with nerves and that he doesn’t even want to leave the room. Zilda confirms. Heloísa appears at the boarding gate, surprises Sergio with the passport and says that she is going to travel with him.


“Mulheres Apaixonadas” is a soap opera aired by Rede Globo between February 17 and October 10, 2003. Written by Manoel Carlos and directed by Ricardo Waddington, the plot had big names in the cast, such as Christiane Torloni, Tony Ramos, Susana Vieira, Dan Stulbach and much more.

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Monday, July 17th

Salete runs towards Lucas. Helena stares at Wilma, sure it’s Fernanda. Children run to the playground. Wilma introduces herself, undoing the confusion. Raquel arranges a bike ride with the students. Paulinha explodes with Oswaldo because he doesn’t have the money to give her anything, not even a new bicycle. Helena looks at Salete and Lucas, comparing them. Salete says, sadly, that she doesn’t have a father. Doris goes with her grandparents to Corcovado.

Tuesday, July 18th


Helena insists on telling César that she went to the party because of Marcinha. He mocks, confusing her. Doris takes money and lipstick from Estela’s purse. Dr Trindade examines Leopoldo and thinks he has an infection. Laura calls César, but he doesn’t answer. Doris sometimes tells Leopoldo that he won’t last long, which leaves Carlão out of his mind. Carlinhos caresses his grandfather. Flora is happy with her husband’s recovery. Helena has lunch with Expedito and Lorena. Marcinha arrives with Laura and introduces her to the teachers. Caesar enters the restaurant. César makes it clear that he prefers to get married only civilly and have a very intimate party. Marcinha comments that they are there to discuss wedding details. The hotel buzzes with the production of a parade. Laura insists on knowing if César is feeling pressured, but he doesn’t answer. Luciana suggests a procedure and César accepts. Students vibrate with the exercise proposed by Santana, which makes them understand the difficulties of the elderly. Helena scolds Santana, who pours vodka into her coffee cup. Laura doesn’t like to see César and Luciana talking animatedly.

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Wednesday, July 19th

Oswaldo secretly observes Paulinha riding her new bicycle. Laura tells César that if they don’t get married soon, she’s going to take a vacation because she’s stressed. He counters that she claims she doesn’t want to push him, but that’s exactly what she’s doing. Heloísa suggests that she meet Sérgio in Europe, but he replies that it will not be possible. Rodrigo hears Marcinha comment to Matilde that César doesn’t seem very interested in marrying Laura. Luciana nudges Teresa when she sees César, Alfredo and Onofre entering Nick Bar.

Thursday, July 20th


César feels the impact when he sees Téo on stage. Helena remembers Caesar’s accusation of having betrayed two men at the same time. Luciana and Teresa comment on how doctors have fun as young students. Téo sits down with the doctors. Lorena, Vidinha and Dóris think Expedito should be a model and even come up with a new name for him: Vittorio Morales. César tells Téo and Pérola that Luciana has everything to make a brilliant career.

Rodrigo accuses Laura of wanting her mother’s money. César invites Luciana to join his team. Laura denies that she wanted Isabel dead. Rodrigo guarantees that César will use her the same way he did with his mother and will find a younger lover. Téo has lunch with Helena and Lucas. Laura advances on Rodrigo with a spatula. César disarms her and she screams out of control, demanding that he tell his son that he loves her. He tells her to stop measuring forces with her son. Rodrigo says he feels sorry for Laura because her father doesn’t love her and will never marry her. Helena is left to die when she finds out that Téo talked to César. Laura swears she’s tired of being humiliated and tells her that she’s going away to give Caesar some time to reflect. Vidinha and Doris accompany the preparations for the fashion show at the hotel. Salete calls Téo. Diogo and Marina learn to bathe a baby. César sends Rodrigo down for dinner. Marina films Diogo in the bath. César announces that he is going to postpone his wedding to Laura.

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Women in Love: César decides to postpone the wedding

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