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things any romantic woman would like her man to do

If you are a romantic woman in front of the eternal, and you can not get tired of watching in loop beautiful comedies that end well, then you will necessarily recognize yourself in this list of these 7 things that any romantic woman would like her man to do !!


Being in love with a much younger man

1/ Let it sing you a serenade

Maybe many would consider this as the pinnacle of the cucul, but admit frankly, look out the window (or better, stand on the balcony if you have one!) and see your man downstairs, guitar in hand, declare all his love of his beautiful voice, it makes you feel unique, and desired as never before! Enough to project you as the heroine of the most beautiful love stories... Because yes, sometimes it takes very little for fairy tales to become a reality!

Maybe many would consider this as the pinnacle of the cucul, but admit frankly, look out the window (or better, stand on the balcony if you have one!) and see your man downstairs, guitar in hand, declare all his love of his beautiful voice, it makes you feel unique, and desired as never before! Enough to project you as the heroine of the most beautiful love stories… Because yes, sometimes it takes very little for fairy tales to become a reality!

2/ That he puts a knee on the ground. (things any romantic woman would like her man to do)

Not to redo its laces you will have understood! Although all marriage proposals must be personal, and personalized, there is nothing better than the classic knee on the ground, followed by the most beautiful declaration of love there is! Admit it, if you've been in a relationship with your darling for a while, and you're spinning the perfect love, that's what you hope he'll do with every meal he's spent in a restaurant together!

Not to redo its laces you will have understood! Although all marriage proposals must be personal, and personalized, there is nothing better than the classic knee on the ground, followed by the most beautiful declaration of love there is! Admit it, if you’ve been in a relationship with your darling for a while, and you’re spinning the perfect love, that’s what you hope he’ll do with every meal he’s spent in a restaurant together!

3/ Let him take you suddenly in his arms

A delicious feeling that all romantic women love! Let their man suddenly come and lift them from the ground to take them in their arms. Which place in the world is warmer, nicer and safer? A magnificent proof of love that is often sealed by a sweet kiss.

A delicious feeling that all romantic women love! Let their man suddenly come and lift them from the ground to take them in their arms. Which place in the world is warmer, nicer and safer? A magnificent proof of love that is often sealed by a sweet kiss. (things any romantic woman would like her man to do)

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4/ Let him hold you in his arms until you fall asleep

Aah that delicious feeling of well-being that you feel when you are warm in the arms of your darling, under a thick blanket... Enough to make beautiful dreams, want to stop time and want to stay in bed all your life! Those who do not dream of it have certainly never experienced this delicious sensation with a man they loved!

Aah that delicious feeling of well-being that you feel when you are warm in the arms of your darling, under a thick blanket… Enough to make beautiful dreams, want to stop time and want to stay in bed all your life! Those who do not dream of it have certainly never experienced this delicious sensation with a man they loved!

5/ May he comfort you when you need it (things any romantic woman would like her man to do)

Even romantic women who see life positively go through more difficult times. But what makes these moments bearable is the presence of their man at their side! Kisses, caresses, hugs, wise advice... What more could you ask for to recharge your batteries, and put your daily problems into perspective?

Even romantic women who see life positively go through more difficult times. But what makes these moments bearable is the presence of their man at their side! Kisses, caresses, hugs, wise advice… What more could you ask for to recharge your batteries, and put your daily problems into perspective?

6/ That he plays Prince Charming from time to time

Of course, no one is perfect! But a romantic woman loves that her man fits for a few moments in the skin of the beautiful prince charming loving and seductive! Let him surprise her by visiting her unexpectedly, in a chic suit, a bouquet of roses in his hand, to kidnap her for a surprise romantic appointment!


7/ Let it make you feel unique and loved on a daily basis (things any romantic woman would like her man to do)

Basically, what women want the most is this: that their man make them feel unique and loved on a daily basis! They want him to constantly remind them how irresistible they are and how nothing they could do without them in their lives. Let him show them affection every day that passes, even in the slightest gesture, the slightest word, the smallest attention… Because after all, that’s also love!

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