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Couple: when love is no longer enough

When love is no longer enough, we find ourselves lost in our relationship as a couple. Despite your efforts, you no longer know how to find THE solution that will allow you to regain happiness.

The observation seems implacable, you have tried everything, but you note with regret that the efforts made have not allowed you to rekindle the flame and restore calm. Exhaustion takes the because you go around in circles in a relationship that no longer resonates with the word “well-being”.



Why is love no longer enough?

It happens that loving is not enough to find happiness combined with the plural. Unfortunately, having the eyes shining and the heart beating is not enough to continue the road with the loved one.

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You should know that love is a rich and intense emotion, BUT that it requires action! Since it is impossible to become rich by staying on your couch, it is impossible to live your love by remaining compartmentalized in your thoughts.

What has changed? (Couple: when love is no longer enough)

A relationship begins by taking a wrong turn when dialogue and listening have become arguments and disagreements. Not being able to listen to one another is to lose the link of understanding that allows us to move forward and create. You end up drowning in a relationship that makes you lose the connection with yourself. Without warning, you enter an endless whirlwind that sounds like an incessant questioning.

Unitingly, you end up bogged down in a monotony “metro-work-sleep” without sharing, without dreaming and without dialogue. The lover of yesterday has become the friend, the colloc’ or the brother … the worst thing is that we end up finding advantages, because this precarious balance gives us the illusion that everything is not so “bad”.


Our behavior eventually changes, we no longer look at the other as before, less considerate and less romantic, we get bogged down in a path that no longer resembles love. Habit takes precedence over envy, we move away, we get lost, and we no longer know how to change a situation that is beyond us. Yet, even if love is not enough, it is still possible to change and give yourself a new chance.

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What to do when love is no longer enough in the couple?

Remoteness seems to be inevitable.

You have the choice to continue in a couple that will end up being a caricature or take a break to think and take the time to understand. But know that the break must be a time of reflection to move forward and not to quarrel as in the past. Imagine that you go on a rest cure to recharge your batteries, because your break is not a failure, but an opportunity to bounce back!

Take the time to ask yourself the right questions:

  • What’s wrong? What for?
  • What can I do to change the relationship?
  • What am I willing to do and what am I not going to do?
  • Do I really want to continue my relationship? have I reached the end of the road?
  • Can this relationship bring me the happiness I deserve?

Your station wagon must allow you to: (Couple: when love is no longer enough)

  • Regain confidence in yourself: you are the most important person in your life, it is vital to regain your confidence, because it is they who will help you overcome your obstacles.
  • Knowing what you want: taking a step back allows you to have a better vision of what you want in life.
  • understand what you are willing to accept and change: to get there you will have to question yourself and take the time to weigh the pros and cons.

It is a time of reflection and maturation that remains specific to each one. You will have to be firm and work on yourself. New ideas will germinate, new thoughts will be born in you and you will be ready to become a new person. This break will allow you to know concretely what you want for your future.

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Careful! (Couple: when love is no longer enough)

I would like to warn you about one element: the couple is fragile! It will not withstand 1001 storms and overflows. We are talking here about hearts and what could be more sensitive and fragile than the latter? Love is fragile, it is a precious stone that can break and never heal again. A reconquest is possible, once or twice maximum, but in the third the breaks will resurface more beautifully and you will find that love is not enough.


Love is not enough when you have lost the desire, the patience, the hope and the courage to brave all the storms. Sometimes, we get lost, because too torn and disillusioned we move away from this other that once made our heart beat.

Love is not enough if you can’t question yourself, change and move to evolve together. Evolution in all areas of your life always requires that you question yourself. Step out of your comfort zone and be proud of yourself.

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