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covid in America, Brazil and the 13th in the World

The mortality rate for covid-19 in Brazil surpassed that of the United States and is already the highest in all of America, according to data from the “Our World in Data” platform, linked to the University of Oxford, in the United Kingdom. In the world, Brazil is the 13th in number of deaths per million inhabitants..

In absolute numbers, Brazil is the second with more deaths caused by the coronavirus in the world – 373,442 until yesterday -, behind only the United States, with 567,217 deaths , according to the platform data.’

However, when considering the number of deaths in relation to its population, Brazil is ahead of the United States. With an estimated population of 212.6 million people, the mortality rate for covid-19 in Brazil is 1,756.38 per million inhabitant, while in the United States (331 million people) the rate is 1,713.63 per million inhabitant.


See below the ten countries with the highest mortality rate due to covid-19 in America, according to “Our World in Data”: Brazil: 1,756.38 per million inhabitant Peru: 1,722.59 per million inhabitant USA: 1,713.63 per million inhabitant Mexico: 1,646.90 per million inhabitant Panama: 1,434.14 per million inhabitant Colombia: 1,342.85 per million.

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  • Brazil: 1,756.38 per million inhabitant
  • Peru: 1,722.59 per million inhabitant
  • USA: 1,713.63 per million inhabitant
  • Mexico: 1,646.90 per million inhabitant
  • Panama: 1,434.14 per million inhabitant
  • Colombia: 1,342.85 per million inhabitant
  • Chile: 1,317.05 per million inhabitant
  • Argentina: 1,310.48 per million inhabitant
  • Bolivia: 1,083.52 per million inhabitant
  • Ecuador: 1,003.40 per million inhabitant.

Brazil is the 13th with the highest mortality in the world.

The data also point out that Brazil has the 13th highest mortality rate due to covid-19 in the world, behind countries with a much smaller population than ours.

See below the 13 countries with the highest mortality rate due to covid-19 in the world, according to ” Our World in Data”

  • Czech Republic: 2,654.41 per million inhabitant
  • Hungary: 2,606.95 per million inhabitant
  • San Marino: 2,563.50 per million inhabitant
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina: 2,373.80 per million inhabitant
  • Montenegro: 2,275.25 per million inhabitant
  • Bulgaria: 2,186.82 per million inhabitant
  • North Macedonia: 2,132.59 per million inhabitant
  • Belgium: 2,048.99 per million inhabitant
  • Slovakia: 2,034.20 per million inhabit.

Average deaths over a thousand for the 88th consecutive day

covid in America, Brazil and the World

Data released yesterday by the consortium of press vehicles, of which UOL is a part, show that Brazil reached the 88th consecutive day with the average number of deaths by covid-19 in seven days above one thousand. The number shows that the country has stabilized at a high level of deaths. Despite registering 1,553 new deaths in 24 hours yesterday, Brazil has already recorded more than 3,000 deaths by covid-19 in a single day.

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