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Seduction, seduce and be seen by men Follow the reverse seduction strategy
You want to seduce men, or rather: be seen by that one nice man and not face disappointment again and again. You want to put an end to your heartbreak for good and looking for that one true one, but you don’t dare?

We women often think that it is up to men to seduce us. But believe me, even though most guys like to play gentleman, they love it when they are seduced by a charming lady like you!

It may take some mental preparation to step into that ‘male role’, but you will see that you keep getting better at it.

Step 1 seduce men: make sure you make a difference!
I like to be different from others. If you live in a big city you will have noticed that the competition is fierce. So it makes little sense to try to be ‘the most sexiest, awesome looking woman’ or ‘most something’. A waste of energy!


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Seduction Spirit


You will find intelligent, funny, charming women everywhere!

It seems like a paradox. We are so many women that we all ended up looking alike. Our interests, desires, fears, you name it. Social media makes a significant contribution to this. Yes, even our Tinder profiles are similar.

Yet we all live in the same society and are exposed to the same influences. But yes, it is so safe to conform to what is ‘common’.


Today I’ll show you what I mean by ‘reverse seduction’. It’s actually very simple but super efficient and no, you really don’t take any risks.

But before we continue, ask yourself this question: what exactly are you looking for in that man? Once you have made this clear, the next step is:

Step 2 seduce men: seduce him as you would like to be seduced
What do women generally want? A man who is different from others, right? Not a man like the men we meet every day. A man who does away with our usual routine.

The same goes for the men too! Despite the fact that you may not have the largest breasts or sexy butt they’ve ever known, they want to make sure you have that one unique ‘something’ they haven’t encountered elsewhere.


And to find out what that unique ‘something’ is, you will have to put yourself in their place: what do they generally see, what do they experience? Are they satisfied with it? seduce men
I deal with men every day through my work. I know what problems they have, what desires, what their routine is.

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I came to the following conclusion:

Men are held responsible for ‘the dirty work’

It’s not easy being a man. Between the responsibility of taking the first step, the fear of being mistaken for a ‘rake’, the pressure from friends lurking to see if they succeeded in scoring that one ‘chick’, the pressure of the society that expects him to have a ‘gentleman’ mentality, but which should also not appear ‘too hungry’, in combination with the already so difficult task of being able to decipher women … it is not fair to say that men have reason to turn gray quickly?


As soon as they encounter a woman they are confronted with:

expectant women
shy women who don’t know attitude
women who pretend they are not interested
women who … … do nothing at all
So they are used to taking risks, to be the one who is courting the other, to play gentleman or ……… they are not used to taking risks at all for fear of getting started at all.

Hence the importance of the ‘reverse seduction’ strategy, which entails that as a woman you play the ‘male role’ in a playful way. After all, a man also wants to receive compliments, get confirmation that he is still good in the market, have someone to take care of him or simply have clarity about what a woman really wants.

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Moreover, it is an excellent opportunity for you ladies to distinguish yourself from the rest and thus ‘score points’.


How to seduce a nice man? Here is the Gentlewoman manual

How does the ‘reverse seduction’ strategy work? Here are some examples:

By giving him a rose as soon as the seller comes along
By subtly paying the bill for the dinner
By taking him by the hand and spinning him around when he dances with you, as men usually do with women.
By giving him your jacket when he’s cold
By complimenting him on his outfit as soon as he comes to your date
By giving him his jacket at the end of the party

By giving him your place
By offering him a chair when you sit down to dinner
By giving him your umbrella when you walk in the rain
It is important that you bring it ‘funny’. If you give him a spin while he dances, or if you offer him a chair, make sure you make the situation ‘ridiculous’.



Make sure he sees that you are trying to court him, that you are playing with him, but that you are not depriving him of his manhood.

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For example, hold the door open for him and you will find that you can wait a long time even if you insist he has to go in first. The same applies if you carry the heavy suitcase instead of the other way around.

There are things men prefer to keep to themselves. There are situations in which he prefers not to be seen by the rest of the public, such as when you carry that heavy suitcase and he walks empty-handed next to you.


To find out how much he likes this game and where the boundaries are, you only have to do 1 thing: observe his reactions. But if you show respect for his image as a ‘sexy male’ you should in principle not get in trouble.

Of course you do not abuse this strategy: no more than 3 of these ‘tricks’ in 1 evening. Moreover, not everything has the same impact. There is a clear difference between letting him dance, offering a rose and paying the bill for the dinner in a subtle way. It is up to you to judge according to the situation and the type of man.

As soon as you see that he is not receptive to the first best ‘tactic’, stop immediately.

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However, if you see him responding positively, be careful not to lose sight of the magic. With this ‘strategy’ he will certainly notice that you are interested in him, so be careful not to overdo it. In any case, make sure you don’t spoil him too much. As you can see, seducing men is a real art!


Step 3 seduce men with words, but stay mysterious!
Of course you have to remain a challenge for him: a mysterious person who keeps many secrets. Also encourage him to invest in the relationship.

That is why it is so important to use humor: firstly, he will not immediately think that you are madly in love with him, you are just a ‘silly’ (positive intention), and secondly: seduction has only one goal: to have fun. and have fun.

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