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How to destroy your couple

Does this title seem strange to you? Let me explain. I recently read Autobiography of a Love by Alexandre Jardin. And, at one point, the character explains in 4 points to his wife everything they should do to “destroy their couple”. Obviously, the idea is to do exactly the opposite of what is written. And, it is very true, when we turn the sentences in the opposite direction, these 4 lessons are more than beneficial for all couples!

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How to destroy your couple in 4 lessons

Lesson 1: You will hold the other person responsible for your own renunciations

Firstly, if we are to be sure that we are effectively aggravating our mutual grievances, we must at all costs continue to hold the other person responsible for our own renunciations. Even if it is obvious that he or she has not directly prevented us from satisfying a desire, it is enough to convince ourselves that it is his or her fault and that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that we can do ourselves to meet our needs.


In order to achieve this at every turn, it would be wise to maintain the confusion between our needs and what could fill them. (How to destroy your couple)

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