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Young car insurance |
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If you are young, you know that the life ahead of you is still long, and that it is not worth worrying about small everyday problems. Considering these aspects, you cannot miss out on young car insurance, a great option for protecting your car!

How mandatory motorcycle insurance works

In everyday life, everyone is exposed to various dangers when it comes to their car.


According to information from the 12th Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, for example, between 2016 and 2017 alone, more than one million vehicles were stolen or stolen in the country! Hence the importance of taking out young car insurance.

Other accidents are also common to vehicles, such as collisions, fires and damage due to objects falling on the car.

But you, as a young person, know that you have to worry about many things, such as getting a good job, choosing the best college, keeping your personal life balanced.

So, why worry about your vehicle if you can have youth car insurance and always keep it protected?

Young car insurance

Image: Getty

How does car insurance for young people work?

Car insurance for young people is nothing more than conventional insurance, which has very comprehensive coverage.

However, it also has specific characteristics for young people, with coverage that is sometimes little used by other policyholders.

In any case, its biggest difference is generally the payment facilities provided by insurers.


Who is youth insurance suitable for?

This type of insurance is recommended for young people aged between 18 and 24, still at the beginning of their driving experience.

Advantages of insurance for young people

  • Insurance for young people usually “speaks the language” of this audience, with specific products for this group of policyholders;
  • Payment conditions are easier, as insurers understand that users in this age group do not yet have financial stability;
  • Typically, insurers promote traffic guidance campaigns to their consumers, improving drivers' driving experience and ability.

Companies that have insurance for young people

Most insurance companies already have specific insurance for young people, making it possible to have several options.

To give you greater clarity about the differences in this option, we did a search to better understand Porto Seguro Auto Jovem. See below.

Porto Seguro Auto Jovem*

Among the car insurance policies for young people available on the market is Porto Seguro Auto Joven.

It is made especially for young people aged 18 to 24 who know how important it is to stop worrying about their car to have more time to think about the future.


At Porto Seguro Auto Jovem, drivers receive discounts of up to 40% and, if their parents also have Porto Seguro insurance, younger policyholders receive an additional 7% discount.

How does Porto Seguro Auto Jovem work?

Among the services that Porto Seguro Auto Joven offers are:

  • Payment in up to 5 installments via Porto Seguro credit card; in up to 4 installments by automatic debit from your account or with other credit cards; and up to 10 times if the user has a Porto Seguro card and lives in the metropolitan region of São Paulo;
  • Extra car with Auto Jovem Porto Insurance: if your car breaks down or suffers a partial loss claim, it is very likely that it will need to spend time in the workshop. During this period, there is no need to walk or take the bus: Porto Seguro offers the user a spare car. The period for using this spare car is usually 15 days.
  • Driver who will pick you up at the club;
  • Assistance for electronics, such as smartphones, televisions, tablets, video games, notebooks and computers;
  • 24-hour car assistance, with services such as towing, tire changing and locksmith;
  • Discounts on parking with Auto Jovem Porto Seguro: whenever using an Estapar network car park, the individual has a 30% discount for single use and 10% for monthly use;
  • Safe and emotional driving courses to deal well with various traffic situations;
  • Free windshield crystallization services, tire rotation, headlight adjustment, flat tire repairs and payment in up to 10 installments on the Porto Seguro credit card for other repairs carried out at the Porto Seguro automotive center;
  • Assistance in case of accidents, robberies, thefts, fires, etc. involving your vehicle.

Insurance value for young people

The value of car insurance for young people is usually a little higher than for other age groups, and this happens due to the individual's inexperience behind the wheel.

According to statistics, this is the group that is most involved in traffic accidents.

But you don't need to be discouraged. The price may be more affordable depending on your profile. You need to get a quote to find out the final value of the vehicle's protection.


The assessment of the insured's profile is carried out for any audience, and it is through this that the insurer defines the insurance premium (cost).

The questionnaire evaluates information such as the individual's age and driving experience; vehicle parking location; common traffic location; user's accident history; number of car drivers; marital status of the individual; and more.

The data indicates the chances of a claim for that insured person. The lower the risk of something happening to the vehicle, the cheaper the insurance tends to be.

Leaving your car parked on the street, for example, can make insurance more expensive. However, it is not recommended to lie to the insurance company — all information must be passed on accurately.


If, in the event of an accident, the company notices inconsistencies in the data, it may claim fraud. Therefore, compensation will not be paid.

For this same reason, it is not worth it for young people to list their parents as insured instead of themselves. Older individuals have more experience behind the wheel, and therefore have cheaper insurance.

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A best quotewith best brokersby the best prices.

However, if they are not actually the main drivers, fraud could be charged. In these cases, users must bear the losses of an accident alone.

How to make insurance for young people cheaper?

The best way to get a good price on car insurance is to research several insurance companies.


Costs and coverage vary greatly, so it is possible to find different options. Also check whether or not it is worth it for you to opt for Porto Seguro Auto Joven.

Additionally, having a tracker in the vehicle can help. This is because a car with a tracker is easier to recover in the event of robbery or theft.

Once recovered, the insurer generally only needs to pay amounts for repairs to the vehicle's faults, which is more advantageous to the company.

If it is not returned to the consumer, the compensation to the user is different, greater and full. In other words, the individual receives amounts to purchase a new vehicle.


Also remember to pay attention to the coverage included in the insurance. By giving up some, deemed unnecessary in your case, the protection premium will be lower.

In any case, do not leave out important protections, such as against collision and theft.

Otherwise, the momentary savings could cost you a huge loss, as you will have to pay for uncovered claims alone.

Remove car stereo coverage from the plan, for example, if your vehicle does not have one.


Young car insurance coverage

As already mentioned, some insurance policies for young people have special services that can make their daily lives easier.

Porto Seguro protection, for example, offers a post-club driver. Still, common insurance coverage is available to these users, and should be evaluated carefully.

Among the basic and additional protections of car insurance are:

  • Collision;
  • Theft;
  • Theft;
  • Fire;
  • Object falling onto the car;
  • Inundation;
  • Coverage for third parties (RCF-V — Optional Civil Liability for Vehicles);
  • Backup car;
  • Covering windows, mirrors, lights and headlights;
  • 24-hour assistance (with tow truck, tire change, friendly driver, etc.);
  • Damage to vehicle passengers after an accident; between others.

How does car insurance work?

Car insurance aims to prevent consumer losses. With it, the user is protected against partial losses and complete losses of the car.

A partial insurance loss occurs when repairs to the car will cost less than 75% of the car's value.


In this situation, the vehicle is sent to the workshop. Part of the repair is paid by the insurance company, and part by the insured. The amount paid by the insured is called the deductible.

The deductible is only paid by the user in case of partial loss. It is defined in the contract, and can have a fixed value or percentage.

Imagine that your vehicle suffers a collision, and its repair will cost R$4,000. As your insurance deductible is R$1,500, you will be responsible for paying this amount to the workshop. The insurance company will pay the remaining R$2,500.

A complete loss occurs when the cost of repairing the car is greater than 75% of its value. Thus, the insured receives full compensation for the purchase of a new vehicle.

Full compensation is also paid if the car is stolen or stolen, and not recovered by the police.


How to take out young car insurance?

To hire the young car insurance service, you must have an accredited broker.

The professional will be able to assist you in researching a product for your profile, and even negotiate the contracting of protection with the insurance company.

When taking out young car insurance, you need to do good research and choose the best plan for you based on the coverage offered.

To this end, offers a simple way to obtain quotes, with professional brokers trained to offer the best prices and insurance.


Another option is Porto Seguro auto Joven but, to hire it, you will need to contact the company.

Do not waste time!

Is Porto Seguro Auto Joven a good option?

If you are young and are going to take out insurance for your car, Porto Seguro Auto Joven is an option that offers several advantages, as stated above.

By hiring you, you can count on a series of benefits, also listed in this text.


Porto Seguro offers, through this program, exactly what younger drivers need. This is because this is an age that has the highest number of accident records.

So, the company created a plan that offers essential coverage, for a special price and benefits.

If you are between 18 and 24 years old, you can count on a specific plan. But, to find out if this is a good option, in addition to the benefits included, you need to research those who already use this plan.

If you don't know anyone, check online to see what customers are saying about this Porto Seguro product, and other insurance products offered on the market.


Also always pay attention to the goal established by the program, speed and dawn, and its rules. All information is listed in the policy.

This way, you won't lose points, and you'll get a good discount when renewing your annual insurance. Find out more by contacting Porto Seguro auto Joven.

*This text is editorial content and does not guarantee the sale of this product on this website.


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