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all couples should live together to strengthen their relationship

Routine, as we have already seen, is healthy in a couple. Besides, I don’t see how a couple together for more than ten years can not know the routine. But it is also necessary to know how to escape sometimes to be able to continue to make live the love passion. Even if it is once a month, even once every two months. It’s important.

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5 experiences that all couples should live together to strengthen their relationship

In other articles, I propose couple games to do in love, ideas of romantic evening at homor unusual weekends to do in love! All this helps to break this routine. But we will see that there are some experiences to live as a couple to strengthen the relationship even more!


1/ Make a big purchase for two

Whether it’s a sofa, your first couple car, a TV, a house, or whatever, making a major purchase is an experience to live to get closer.

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This purchase will allow you to learn more about one another. Buying something important to both make the relationship grow.

And then it’s always a great moment, kind of like going to Ikea together and projecting yourself. Well, I’d love to have this dresser. Ah, me rather this one… You will see that your tastes diverge, you will have to find common ground and it is not always easy. But it clearly changes the relationship.

The same applies financially: will you do half and half? Or proportionally according to the salary of each one? You’re going to learn a bunch about your relationship that you thought you knew by heart.


2/ Make a big evening. (all couples should live together to strengthen their relationship)

We’re used to doing big parties with friends, going to a 5 or 10-year-old box and dancing all night. But have you ever had this same experience as a lover?

Prepare cocktails, make silly games, remake the world in a bar and then go to a nightclub to dance all night. It is a beautiful experience to do as a lover. Especially after long years of relationship. We find the passion of the beginnings, we made ourselves beautiful, we seduce again.

And when you come back, the desire has never been stronger!

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3/ Make a roadtrip of at least two weeks

Club holidays where you don’t leave the hotel for a week, it’s nice. But experiencing a real discovery together is something you will never forget!


A study proved it: Couples who often go on holiday together would be happier!

So go explore the world together. Like us, go by road trip in Colombia, Sicily, Bali or anywhere!

Preparing a trip takes time: book the flight, plan the itinerary, book hotels… It may lead to some arguments but it’s worth doing it together. It is important that both partners invest in the preparation of this trip. Let both bring their desires and ideas.

4/ Make plans from a financial point of view (all couples should live together to strengthen their relationship)

Although we don’t like to talk about it often, money is an important issue in relationships. This remains one of the most frequent couples fights!


Look at who spends what and how, how to save, who pays what, why? If one earns two or three times more than the other, how does it work?

Parlez together of the way you want to manage your money: should you make a joint account? Why? One pays the rent, the other the groceries and charges? Everyone pays at the height of his income… Take some time to know how to best manage your money together to avoid serious conflicts that could have occurred.

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5/ The presentation to relatives and friends

This may seem banal to you because it is something that we do instinctively… Most of the time.Closevolume_off

And yet, some have a hard time passing this stage, especially for the first meeting with the in-laws. Some postpone this moment because it is for them a real proof of commitment and it can be scary.


Still, until you pass this milestone, one of you will feel frustrated. It’s not always the easiest experience, but it’s one of the most important!

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