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Things Mature Women Will Never Do While In a Relationship

Do you want to know if you and your darling are in a mature relationship? Being in a couple can be a great upheaval for two individuals and can lead to changes in behavior… Which may or may not be great! So you want to know if you are still a free, mature and responsible woman? To find out, discover the 5 things that mature women will never do while in a relationship:


1/ Stop partying with their friends

Of course being in a couple means that you will now spend more time with your darling, but that does not mean that you have to close only on your couple, and cut all the other bridges no!  It can sometimes be difficult to continue to see your friends regularly, especially at the beginning of the relationship,when you are still at the fusion stage,but over time you should normally manage to go out regularly with your friends, as before! A mature woman does not forget that her friends are there for her, and that she should not neglect them under the pretext that she now has someone in her life!

Of course being in a couple means that you will now spend more time with your darling, but that does not mean that you have to close only on your couple, and cut all the other bridges no! (Things Mature Women Will Never Do While In a Relationship)

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It can sometimes be difficult to continue to see your friends regularly, especially at the beginning of the relationship, when you are still at the fusion stage, but over time you should normally manage to go out regularly with your friends, as before! A mature woman does not forget that her friends are there for her, and that she should not neglect them under the pretext that she now has someone in her life!


Likewise, a loving man will never forbid or stop her from spending time with the people she loves, her loved ones.

2/ Not understanding the difference between words and deeds (Things Mature Women Will Never Do While In a Relationship)

A mature woman has perfectly understood that between words and deeds, there is sometimes a huge gap! And that to be happy in a couple, you must know how to skilfully alternate the two, while favoring actions, which will always give more weight to your words.

A mature woman has perfectly understood that between words and deeds, there is sometimes a huge gap! And that to be happy in a couple, you must know how to skilfully alternate the two, while favoring actions, which will always give more weight to your words.

A mature woman won’t just repeat “I love you” ten times a day to her partner, no. As for a mature man, she will be able to prove her love to him through small attentions, small gestures at the right times.

3/ Expose everything that happens in the relationship on social networks

Privacy is a treasure, mature women know it well! No need to update its status on a daily basis to expose your joys to the whole world... As well as your setbacks!

Privacy is a treasure, mature women know it well! No need to update its status on a daily basis to expose your joys to the whole world… As well as your setbacks!

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She never washes her dirty laundry in public,and even less so on social networks, because she knows that there is nothing worse for a couple than publicly exposing their arguments, which may then take on disproportionate proportions given that people will get involved…

A mature woman knows that nothing beats good communication within the couple, rather than a communication campaign of her couple in full view!


4/ Stop family meals (Things Mature Women Will Never Do While In a Relationship)

The environment is essential to the development of everyone, and even more so the family environment! A mature woman will not stop seeing her family and spending special moments with them, whether with or without her man.

The environment is essential to the development of everyone, and even more so the family environment! A mature woman will not stop seeing her family and spending special moments with them, whether with or without her man.

And a mature man will make the effort to maintain good relations and good contact with his in-laws, as difficult as it can be sometimes!

5/ Abandon their dreams (Things Mature Women Will Never Do While In a Relationship)

Mature women all have dreams and projects in their heads! And even if the train-train of the couple’s life can be gripping, she will never lose sight of the essential: her personal development, which involves the realization of her dreams.

No healthy relationship requires having to sacrifice your most dear dreams,so you have to know how to give yourself the means to achieve them! Organized, they manage to reconcile their work, their life as a couple and their personal development to be effective in all three areas simultaneously!

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And a mature man will support his wife in the realization of his projects and will do everything to facilitate their accomplishment!


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