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Discover the secret to recovering brittle hair

Recovering the vigor, shine, hydration and healthy appearance of damaged and brittle hair strands may indeed seem like a “seven-headed animal”, but with proper care and consistency, it is possible to restore capillary health in an almost miraculous way.

Capillary Diagnosis


But before starting any treatment, it is important to understand the cause of hair damage. The brittle aspect of the wires may be due to factors such as excessive use of heat tools, aggressive chemical treatments, lack of hydration or even poor diet. Consulting a hairdresser or trichologist can provide valuable information about the condition of the hair and help determine the best approach to regrowth it. But you can also do this by observing your habits and seeing if your case is similar to the ones listed here.

Regular Cut

Even if you are a hardcore participant in #projectorapunzel, and want to maintain or regain your hair length, it is essential to cut the damaged ends. Regular trimming removes split ends and split ends, helping to prevent the damage from spreading to the rest of the hair. A qualified hairdresser can indicate the best type of cut for your hair, taking into account the current state and the desired goals and in fact “just remove the tips” and not disturb the growth of your locks.

Deep Hydration


Hydration is a key part of restoring hair health. In addition to regular use of conditioner, it is very important to deeply moisturize weekly or fortnightly. There are several options available in the market, including hair masks with moisturizing ingredients like coconut oil, aloe vera, shea butter, among others. These products are able to penetrate the hair cuticles and provide the necessary hydration.

Applying masks regularly greatly improves the appearance of the hair (Photo: Reproduction/iStock)

Homemade masks

If you like something more natural and economical, in addition to commercial hair masks, you can also enjoy the benefits of natural homemade masks. They use ingredients that are simple to find and help a lot in making the most of commercial masks, and help a lot to improve the healthy appearance of the hair.

Heat Protection


Excessive use of heat tools, such as dryers, flat irons and babyliss, can damage the wires too much. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the use of these tools or at least use a good thermal protector before applying them. This will help minimize heat damage and preserve your hair’s natural moisture.

“Beauty comes from within”

Hair health is also directly related to food. A balanced diet rich in nutrients and vitamins can promote healthy hair growth, which helps new strands not be subject to that brittle and lifeless appearance. To improve your diet, include foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, eggs and nuts in your diet to provide necessary nutrients for your hair.

Brittle strands are most visible at the ends of the hair. (Photo: Playback/Just For You)

No Aggressive Chemical Treatments


If your hair is already damaged, avoid aggressive chemical treatments such as relaxers, straighteners or bleaches. These procedures can further aggravate hair health and increase the risk of the dreaded “chemical cut”. Give your hair time to recover before considering chemical treatments again, and be sure to adhere to a care routine focused on restoring your hair’s health.

Protective Hairstyles

Some hairstyles can minimize the “stress” on the strands – when we run our hands, twisting our hair around objects and having to comb it several times a day. And so they can help with hair recovery. Braids, loose buns and low ponytails are options that protect your hair against breakage and external damage that can happen in these everyday situations.

Untangling the Wires


Opt for a soft-bristled brush or wide-toothed comb to detangle your hair. Start at the ends and work your way up gradually to avoid further breakage, giving preference to materials such as wood and soft bristles. Also avoid brushing your hair when it’s wet, as the strands are even more fragile in that state.

Patience, Patience

Last but not least, remember that hair recovery is a gradual and somewhat slow process. But having patience and being consistent in the care and treatments you choose is the real key to fully restoring your hair’s health. Over time, damaged hair can recover its vigor, shine, hydration and healthy appearance, revealing even stronger and more beautiful strands.

Featured photo: Brittle tips can be saved! Playback/Be Curls

your hair three times healthier

Discover the secret to recovering brittle hair

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