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Is it possible to save on insurance and have the best protection?
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Car insurance is extremely important for anyone who wants to get around without having to worry all the time about whether their car is protected. However, many people still believe that to get a good service and guarantee good coverage, they need to pay a lot. Find out how to save on insurance!

This is a big mistake, because today, as there are many insurance companies on the market, they do everything they can to attract customers and anyone who knows how to research can take advantage of this advantage. That's why there are some rules that, when followed, can guarantee good savings in your pocket.


Choose the right coverage

The best protection is the one that meets your needs, that means no more and no less. If you know what type of protection you need, it will be much easier when deciding on this step, but for those looking for slightly broader coverage, it is best to opt for loss, theft, collision and damage to third parties.

After choosing your coverage, you need to think about whether you will need additional services such as towing, mechanical assistance, etc.

Know how to choose your car

When buying, you need to think not only about whether you like the vehicle or not, but whether it is among those most targeted by criminals. This is because the more targeted it is, the greater the risk and consequently the value of the prize.

So before making a purchase, it is always recommended to consult the list of the most stolen, this can be done on the Susep website.


Run simulations

Based on what you need, it is much easier to carry out simulations and find out how much each insurer charges for the services they provide. This research may take some time, but it ends up being worth it, as with several quotes in hand it becomes easier to find the cheapest insurance.

A big advantage is using the internet, because some websites can send quotes from different insurance companies by simply filling out one form.

Count on a good broker

This professional is not just used to sell the service and remind you when it is time to renew your insurance. He should help you get the policy at the lowest price, but also provide full assistance in the event of an accident, providing guidance on how to proceed. However, this can only be achieved if it is available 24 hours a day and this is always good to check.

Another important assessment to make is whether he is qualified to perform this role and if he is not, do not close a deal with him.


Do the math

When looking for cheaper insurance, many people choose to reduce the premium and increase the deductible, as this gives the impression that it is cheaper. However, this could be a big mistake, since in the event of an accident the deductible value can be quite high.

So before deciding the values, it's worth analyzing the rich and always thinking about the future, after all, how much will you be able to pay if an accident occurs?

Auto insurance deductible: does every insurance have one?

Is it possible to save on insurance and have the best protection?

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Is it possible to save on insurance and have the best protection?



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Is it possible to save on insurance and have the best protection?

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