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Zelda Out of Time? Nintendo Revises the Manual
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Tears of the Kingdom
Tears of the Kingdom

Come on, guys! If you thought you had everything you needed to know about the timeline, The Legend of Zeldait's best to sit down. It seems that Nintendo has decided to throw a grenade into the mix and separate Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom from the rest of the pack. That's right! These two giants of the franchise are officially out of the established timeline, as if they had just discovered the multiverse of madness.

Lost Link: Aimless Hero?

Since 1987, Nintendo has been giving us the epic adventures of Link, the hero who seems to have more timelines than the MCU. We were already starting to understand (or pretend to understand) the flow of events between the “Hero is Defeated” and “Hero is Triumphant” lines, but now… now, my friend, it’s a different story. During Nintendo Live 2024 in Sydney, the Big N revealed that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom don’t fit into the series’ traditional timeline. They’re just there, out of the ordinary, like that cousin who showed up at the family barbecue unannounced.

Separated by an Imaginary Line


So, as if the complexity of putting all the pieces of the saga together wasn't enough, Nintendo decided to leave these two games “on the side”. There is no direct connection, not a single hair's breadth that ties the stories to the other timelines. Nintendo dropped this bombshell in an image shared by the people at Vookswhere we clearly see that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom have been kicked into a corner of their own.

The Secrets of Hyrule and the New Zelda Reality

This decision also raises several questions. Are Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom so powerful that they have created their own reality? Perhaps the developers are exploring a new concept, where the rules of time and space simply don't apply. After all, if there's one thing the Zelda franchise has always done well, it's surprise us.

So, what about the fans? Well, the internet, as always, has already started speculating. Theories are popping up like Deku Babas in a forest. Some say it's a genius move, others think Nintendo just wanted to simplify things, and there are those who are planning their own timeline, because, after all, if Nintendo can do it, why can't they?


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom: A New Beginning?

Breath of the Wild was a game that changed the game, redefining what it meant to be a Zelda title. The freedom, the exploration, the ability to climb anything that wasn’t spiked—it was a breath of fresh air. And then came Tears of the Kingdom, taking that freedom to a whole new level with its fusion mechanics and the ability to build crazy vehicles like you were playing LEGO with cheat codes.

Now, with this decision to take them out of the traditional timeline, it’s clear that Nintendo wanted to do more than just create sequels — they wanted to create a new beginning. But why separate them from the rest? Maybe it’s because these adventures are so grand that they can’t be limited by a fixed timeline. Or maybe Nintendo just wanted to keep us scratching our heads.

Reflections on Nintendo's Decision


Let’s reflect on this decision for a second. The Zelda timeline has always been a hot topic among fans. And now, by deciding that Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are “out of the ordinary,” Nintendo may be saying that the story isn’t as important as the experience. And guess what? That makes sense. Because at the end of the day, what really matters is the adventure you have, the epic battles against Calamity Ganon or the thrill of discovering a new secret in a hidden corner of Hyrule.

But if you're the type of person who likes to organize everything and needs every piece of the puzzle to fit together perfectly, this news could be a nightmare. After all, how are you going to fit these two giants into your mental collection of events? Nintendo's answer? Maybe you don't need to. Maybe you can just play and enjoy.

And The Future of Zelda?

With this twist, the future of the Zelda series seems more unpredictable than ever. Will we see more games following this new line of reasoning? Could Nintendo be laying the groundwork for a Zelda multiverse? If you thought the concept of “Zelda” was already vast, get ready, because the possibilities seem endless.


Ultimately, the decision to place Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom outside of the official timeline could be the first step towards something even bigger. It could be setting up new games that challenge the series' conventions even further. Or, perhaps, it's just Nintendo being Nintendo — always one step ahead, or maybe it's just playing with our sanity.

The Legend Continues

As we wait to see what Nintendo has in store for us, one thing is for sure: The Legend of Zelda continues to be one of the most iconic and influential franchises in gaming. And with these new additions, the legend only gets richer and, why not, more confusing — but that’s exactly what we love about Zelda. If everything were simple, it wouldn’t be the same.

So, while we wait for the next twist, the only thing we can do is grab our controller, open up that Breath of the Wild save file, and get lost once again in the vast and mysterious Hyrule. Because at the end of the day, that’s what really matters — the adventure.


Zelda Out of Time? Nintendo Revises the Manual

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Zelda Out of Time? Nintendo Revises the Manual

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