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weight loss first week

Since the 1970s we have been limiting our fat consumption, avoiding saturated fat. For over 40 years people have been buying low fat food. We have reduced our meat consumption. We have integrated vegetarian meals, tofu, legumes,…. Can we say that we are healthier?Fats have been replaced by carbohydrates. Our carbohydrate intake has increased by 46%. But why have we changed the diet of our ancestors?


My fitness PACK to Loose weight effectively with KETO DIET

It was Ancel Keys, an American scientist, who in the 1970s wanted to understand why cardiovascular disease was on the rise. He claimed that the culprit was saturated fat. However, several factors could explain the increase in cardiovascular disease: the high number of smokers in the 1970s, the increase in the consumption of processed foods with the arrival of women in the labor market and the arrival of trans fats. His study is now called into question, the scientific approach has not been respected.

weight loss first week

 weight loss first week

Researchers like Dr Stephen Phinney, Dr Jeff Volek, and Dr Tim Noakes have sought to understand why the low-fat diet, which is believed to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, does not meet expectations at all. They discovered that saturated fat is not harmful to your heart or to your health. Rather, they have a protective effect. What causes cardiovascular disease and is the root of many diseases is inflammation. First source of inflammation are carbohydrates. Another major source of inflammation are omega-6s. It is therefore also important to eliminate foods that do not have a good omega-3 / omega-6 ration (industrial meat, canola oil, etc.). 

weight loss first week


The result of these studies is very well explained in the book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” by Dr J. Bowden and Dr S. Sinatra. Another major source of inflammation are omega-6s. It is therefore also important to eliminate foods that do not have a good omega-3 / omega-6 ration (industrial meat, canola oil, etc.). The result of these studies is very well explained in the book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” by Dr J. Bowden and Dr S. Sinatra. Another major source of inflammation are omega-6s. It is therefore also important to eliminate foods that do not have a good omega-3 / omega-6 ration (industrial meat, canola oil, etc.). The result of these studies is very well explained in the book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” by Dr J. Bowden and Dr S. Sinatra.

Currently, your diet is based on the recommendations of Canada’s Food Guide, which is high in carbohydrates (approximately 300 g / day), moderate in protein and low in fat. We have seen an increase in type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease in all countries that have followed these recommendations.

Here’s what the ketogenic diet offers. We increase our consumption of fat, which will become our main source of energy, and we reduce carbohydrates to 20g / day. Protein consumption remains moderate. By respecting the ration of 75% good fat, 20% protein and 5% carbohydrate your liver will produce ketone bodies, that is to say energy made from lipids (fat) and this after only a few days of carbohydrate reduction. But in the first few weeks ketones will be released in the breath and in the urine. You will have a funny breath, smell similar to nail polish. This is because our cells have always used glucose (energy produced from glucose) as an energy source, so it takes a period of adaptation. It can take up to a month for your mitochondria (the energy factory in your cells) to use ketones for energy. You are then said to be keto-adapted. Your breath and urine will return to normal.

You will notice that you are less hungry, the cravings will disappear. After a few months your blood tests will improve (may take up to 6 months) and your physical condition will improve. You will lose weight.

You will have more energy. Ketones are the ideal fuel for our cells, including our heart and brain cells. Indeed, the burning of ketones in the mitochondria is 25% more efficient than the burning of carbohydrates.

You will feel less pain. Unlike glucose, ketones do not excite the brain since they stimulate the production of GABA (a brain inhibitor, a natural calming type). This is the reason why ketones calm the pain, exhibit a general anti-inflammatory effect.

You will often hear the term keto, it is the English term for the ketogenic diet: ketogenic diet.

During the adaptation period you may experience certain symptoms (side effects), such as the common cold-ketogenic (Keto-Flu) you will have the impression of having a cold, but these are simply manifestations of carbohydrate withdrawal, that lasts on average a day or two, it is important during this period to increase your salt intake (1 teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of water, up to two per day (morning and evening)) . You are no longer eating processed food, you are now eating more natural foods, so you are consuming less sodium.

Depriving the body of carbohydrate will also lower the level of insulin in the blood, resulting in a reduction in the level of water and sodium stored in the kidneys. Your sodium and electrolyte levels will be lower. This drop in electrolytes can also lead to leg cramps at night.

To avoid the inconvenience of the adaptation period, it is important to drink plenty of water, increase your salt intake, and consume broths made from chicken or beef bones (very rich in nutrients). You might also need to add extra magnesium (as citrate) and potassium (as citrate as well), especially if you have leg cramps at night.

Ketogenic diet symptoms and solutions to weight loss

Here is a site to calculate your macro-nutrients according to your morphology.

But for starters, I recommend that you just cut carbs and limit yourself to 20g per day. For the protein serving, eat a source of protein with each meal, one serving is the size of the palm of your hand and the thickness of a deck of cards. Add fat to every meal, fatty meat, avocado, oil, homemade mayonnaise, butter, etc. If you get enough fat you shouldn’t be hungry until your next meal. If not, increase your fat. We must not limit calories, we must eat our fill. Calorie counting is another myth, cutting calories doesn’t make you lose weight. Just start to tame this new way of eating. When you are comfortable you can start counting your macro nutrients.

It is important to be familiar with foods that are low in carbohydrate and to recognize foods high in carbohydrates. Attention should also be paid to the nutritional information of foods, as well as the list of ingredients, to ensure that the food meets the criteria for the ketogenic diet.

Here is the list of foods to avoid.

on Netflix shows all the benefits of the ketogenic diet on our health. The Magic Pill movie trailer .

Some people are banned from the ketogenic diet. Patients with type 1 diabetes. The same goes for all those who are prone to metabolic abnormalities regarding fatty acid oxidation. People with hepatocellular insufficiency cannot deprive themselves of carbohydrates. You will need medical attention if you are taking any medication, as the dose may need to be revised. Either way, always consult your doctor before considering a diet like this .


how much fat should we eat ketogenic & keto

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